10-Year Plan workshops in White Rock tonight, Burnaby tomorrow, North Van Thursday

10-Year Plan workshops in White Rock tonight, Burnaby tomorrow, North Van Thursday

Yikes—in all the Chicago/Golden Ears excitement I have been remiss in reminding you guys about the 10-Year Plan workshops in your area! So here’s the next three workshops:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
6:30PM – 9:00PM
White Rock Community Centre
15154 Russell Ave.
White Rock, BC

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
6:30PM – 9:00PM
Fire Fighters Centre
6515 Bonsor St.
Burnaby, BC

Thursday, June 18, 2009
6:30PM – 9:00PM
Lonsdale Quay Hotel
123 Carrie Cates Court
North Vancouver, BC

At the workshops, you’ll play the It’s Your Move board game with others and select your transportation priorities and funding options for our future. (You can play the game online too.) And you’ll be able to discuss our draft 10-Year Plan, plus ask our executives and public consultation staff about our budgets and other issues.

Check out our BePartofthePlan consultation website for more information on these events, including maps and tentative schedules for each meeting.

Also, for more info, here’s the Buzzer blog’s past posts discussing the 10-Year Plan.

You also might want to follow Ken Hardie’s Twitter too — he’s going to the events and tweeting about what’s going on there!

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