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Dunsmuir tunnel work is finished early this summer

Dunsmuir tunnel work is finished early this summer

Well look at that — the Dunsmuir tunnel project finished up its summer work two days early, completing on Tuesday of this week!

This means there will be no service impact tonight or on Friday—that’s right, no more taking shuttle trains in downtown Vancouver after 9:45 p.m.

However, as I mentioned in my earlier post, please be aware that this was a pilot project, and more work is planned for the fall.

Currently, SkyTrain is estimating that the work will take 12-14 weeks in the fall, likely from mid September through mid December. I’ll post the details as soon as they tell me more.

I should also mention that the earlier Dunsmuir tunnel post had a fun discussion about where the old tunnel can be seen today, plus its history.

Ian S., Robert, and ;) clued us into some spots: here’s a photo of the east tunnel by Costco on Beatty St (plus a map of that location). Ian S. also provided some great info on its historical route. If you’re curious, check out the original post comments starting here!


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