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Thanks to everyone on the Canada Line tour today!

Thanks to everyone on the Canada Line tour today!

Our tour group at Waterfront Station, in front of the train! It's a bit blurry because the train was heading out of the station and we needed to snap it fast :)
Our tour group at Waterfront Station, in front of the train! It's a bit blurry because the train was heading out of the station and we needed to snap it fast :)

Here’s our full group of 9 at Waterfront station this morning — thanks to everyone who came along on the Canada Line tour, it was great meeting you all!

Everyone took photos and video, so I’ll have some links for you on this page once everybody gets back to me. I should mention that we did end up going to both Richmond-Brighouse and YVR, so there will be photos from the whole length of the line!

In the meantime, you might recognize Rebecca from Miss604 and Bob K from VancouverIsAwesome at far right, so you can definitely check in with their sites to see if they have coverage over the next little while. Both sites are great, so you should just check them out in general anyway :)


  • Bob K’s Canada Line post can be found over here! He will be also doing a video post about the tour in the near future after he gets some time to edit it all up. Here’s Bob’s video from the tour.
  • Rebecca’s post at Miss604 can be found here. She also has a full set of photos over at her Flickr page!
  • Kai has posted his photos in a set on Flickr!
  • Jennifer’s photos are over at Flickr too!
  • Bryan has video up at YouTube: here’s part 1 and part 2. And here’s his photo gallery!
  • And here’s more photos from “SFUVancouver” over at Skyscraper Page forums. (Which person were you, SFUVancouver?)

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