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The Buzzer rides the first of the new SkyTrain cars!

The Buzzer rides the first of the new SkyTrain cars!

As mentioned yesterday, the first of the 48 new SkyTrain cars started running on the system this morning, and I got to jump on for its first trip!

Above is a video of the two-car train #306 arriving at Edmonds Station — its first stop ever on the system. (You can see the cameramen from CTV and Global there, so you might certainly see more footage on TV tonight.)

The train will definitely be in service for the next week or so, and remember, you’re all welcome on board! It’s currently in an “endurance running” phase, which means it must complete 2000 kilometres of regular service while meeting certain criteria (that’s the equivalent of about one week of service). A critical part of this phase involves passengers boarding and disembarking the trains, so go ahead and get on it!

Okay, now above you’ll find a short podcast with some rider reactions to the new car. Just thought I’d capture a few first day thoughts!

And after the jump, there’s some more photos and video. I’ll keep it short, since I’m sure you guys will come up with way more great shots and video too — and please do send them my way!

The first junior SkyTrain pilots aboard train #306! In the early part of the ride, the train had more SkyTrain and TransLink people onboard than actual passengers -- the kids above were a few of the lucky riders!
The first junior SkyTrain pilots aboard train #306! In the early part of the ride, the train had more SkyTrain and TransLink people onboard than actual passengers -- the kids above were a few of the lucky riders!
These seats on the train fold up to allow room for wheelchairs and strollers.
These seats on the train fold up to allow room for wheelchairs and strollers.
A few SkyTrain attendants took a moment to examine the new maps.
A few SkyTrain attendants took a moment to examine the new maps.
A cyclist brought his bike on board! The new configuration allows much more room for bikes.
A cyclist brought his bike on board! The new configuration allows much more room for bikes.
Very important: the new SkyTrain has Buzzer boxes :D
Very important: the new SkyTrain has Buzzer boxes :D

Now here’s a video of the light-up map flashing for the Metrotown stop.

Here’s the door lights in operation. Flashing when the doors close!

Since a lot of us were TransLink/SkyTrain/media staff, we were allowed to stay on the SkyTrain as it changed direction at Waterfront Station. Here’s the view coming in from the train yard, approaching the eastbound platform. Look at all the people taking pictures!

I had to hop off the train at Metrotown and go back to work, but that gave me one last opportunity to capture the new train leaving the station. There’s the LED display on the front, saying King George!

If you haven’t seen them already, here are the past Buzzer blog posts on the new trains:

As you may have heard in the podcast, I also ran into Bryan from The Transit Site on the train, so watch his site for more photos & video too.

And if you catch a ride on the new cars, please feel free to share your experience in the comments! Again, your photos and videos of the new car are more than welcome too :)


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