Capturing the Canada Line opening: on Twitter hashtags, photos and more
Capturing the Canada Line opening: on Twitter hashtags, photos and more

Let’s talk about covering the Canada Line on opening day!
I know everyone will be taking photos, video, and Twittering like mad, so I’m hoping to collect all our work through the following suggestions, so everyone can find and enjoy the footage/stories.
Please add a #canadaline hashtag to your opening day tweets!
Everyone can follow tweets with the #canadaline hashtag at this link.
I’ll tweet at @thebuzzer, and TransLink communications director Ken Hardie is at @kenhardie.
There’s also even a central page to collect our TransLink tweets too.
Please add your photos to the following two Flickr groups:
That way we have everyone’s photos in a couple of big pools — and I can highlight really great photos on the blog over the coming weeks!
If you don’t use Flickr, feel free to e-mail me with links to albums, or even send me your photos.
On Tuesday I’ll make a central post with everybody’s links, and I can add loose photos to the Buzzer’s Flickr stream.
E-mail me your video links and I’ll put a playlist together at the Buzzer’s YouTube account next week.
(By the way, I am pretty sure just about everyone will do a video of the train route from the front window, so if you can do a variation on that, we’ll all be very impressed :)
Written stuff
On Monday, I’ll put up a main post where everyone can share opening day stories in the comments, or links to where their opening day reviews & thoughts can be found.
Please put your offsite links in the URL line of your comment, otherwise they might be caught in the spam filter!
You can also e-mail me your written stuff and I’ll put it on the site.
As for the Buzzer blog…
Basically, I will be out all day Monday on the line, and I’m going to blog periodically with stories from the opening. (I’ll be using WordPress for Blackberry’s mobile app — apologies in advance for low-res pictures and weird formatting!)
Please say hi if you run into me — I’ll be wearing a green Canada Line shirt and talking to people all over the line. Plus I’ve got special Buzzer treats for everyone who says hello!
And if anyone has more suggestions on how we should share stuff, by all means, let me know!
What did you think of this story?
I can’t wait. I’ve got a small group of friends who will be riding the line with me, hopefully we’ll run into you but… I don’t even know what you look like. I’ll just look for a green Canad Line shirt.
I already noticed something today when I went to check out the north arm bridge that I’ll be kicking myself over because I didn’t get a photo of it: You can see airport check-in kiosks on the platform of the station!
I just found out that I WILL be attending the opening! If ppl have twitter, I am at @cool2dude45….hope I can see you jhen…..again….lol
I’m looking forward to it! Here’s a preview:
Sorry I didn’t manage to run into you, CJ! Next time :)
[…] you have photos or video to share, see this post for where to put them. Tweet with the #canadaline hashtag today, […]