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Friday fun post: Buzzer trivia from 1962

Friday fun post: Buzzer trivia from 1962

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the Buzzer trivia from 1962.

Last week’s survey: how do you request a stop?

Last week, I asked whether you pull the cord or push the button to request your stop on a bus.

And out of 203 votes, pulling the cord was the favourite with 66%, while pushing the button got 33%.

Some people said they used whatever was closest. Here’s Tsushima Masaki:

For me this choice is usually dictated by what is available to me (and what is closest). Most buses in Richmond only have the pull cord, so that’s what I use the majority of the time.

But some had definite preferences for either the cord or button. Here’s Mike on the buttons, with some interesting observations:

I use the buttons whenever possible, because then I don’t have to lean over people to pull the cord. However, most busses in the Tri-Cities don’t have buttons in them. I think there’s a lot of people who think the red buttons are actually emergency stop buttons, like on trains. Sometimes I see people who are already holding the pole with the button on it perform gymnastics to reach the cord.

Dora mostly liked the cord though:

I usually pull the cord (or, as I tend to refer to it out of long-term childish habit, the “dinger-bell”), mostly out of habit. I do like to have the buttons available when I’m standing, though, so I don’t need to invade the personal space of people sitting down to reach a cord.

As always, more comments can be found at the original post.

This week: Buzzer trivia from 1962

For this week’s fun post, here’s a trivia question from the Buzzer archives: the November 16, 1962 issue, to be exact.

Tell me what the three countries are in the comments! (There’s no answers listed in the Buzzer, but I’ve done a bit of research and am reasonably sure I know which they are.)

Why on earth was this contest in the Buzzer? Well, it really harks back to the unique development of transit in our region. Originally, transit was developed by the private electric company in our region. So along with transit info, the Buzzer would run all kinds of articles trumpeting the wonders of electricity and electric devices, encouraging people to buy clothes dryers, install electric lighting, and more.

This contest was obviously along those lines, urging people to try for a new appliance for their home. As well, B.C. Hydro was sponsoring the broadcast of a syndicated TV show on travel called Seven League Boots. You had to watch the show to get clues for the contest!

Thanks to Angus McIntyre for loaning us this Buzzer to be scanned. Again, if you have poll question suggestions or other ideas for fun Friday trivia and surveys and such, please let me know! I’m always on the lookout for help with this item!


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