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Friday fun post: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer?

Friday fun post: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll on Sunday/Holiday group rides.

Last week’s post: do you strategize to get a seat on transit?

Last week’s fun post asked if you strategized to get a seat on transit or not.

After 152 votes, 57% said they strategized for a seat, while 43% said they didn’t.

The comments were chock-full of handy tips on how to get a seat on many different routes and SkyTrain lines. Someone named ??? summarized some general strategies:

-go to the back of the bus, many are too lazy to walk past the doors
-hover near the twins (double), instead of the popular single seats
-pay attention to people getting off at popular points (Skytrain stations, arterial connectors) vacating seats
-enter the back of the Canada Line train, instead of the congested front car.

Another strategy mentioned is boarding trains at terminus stations — or riding a bit out of your way so you can get a seat at a terminus station. For example, here’s Ric:

I am a regular canada line passenger. When it comes to getting a seat on the train I always run for the driver’s seat. In ordet to get that seat I always board at the terminus station. Lucky my trip starts at Richmond-Brighouse station, all I have to do to get the driver’s seat is be the first to board the train. On my return trip I happen to be at Vancouver City Center. I always catch the train for waterfront and walk to the back of the train once on board and stay on they train at waterfront Upon reaching the station the back of the train becomes the front since the train then goes in the opposite direction. This is my strategy for getting the driver’s seat for each and every trip on the canada line.

Not every transit trip requires a seat strategy, however. Cow explains:

For the most part I don’t–but I do for my early morning UBC class (to and from downtown). It’s a long enough ride that it’s worth it.

This week: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer?

Some of you may know that TransLink offers the following deal for Sundays or holidays: if you have an adult FareCard, West Coast Express 28-Day Pass, or Annual Employer Transit Pass, you can take five children, or one adult and four children on transit with you for free. FREE!

So here’s the question: how many of you have actually done this?

If you have, I’d love to know where you heard about the offer. Is there some transit evangelist telling everybody about it, or did you sleuth it up on the website? Also, remember you can use this offer on Sunday and Thanksgiving!


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