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Mayors’ Council meets and decides on TransLink’s 2010 plan and funding on Friday, Oct. 23

Mayors’ Council meets and decides on TransLink’s 2010 plan and funding on Friday, Oct. 23

A flowchart outlining TransLink's governance structure and the roles played by the Mayors' Council and the Regional Transportation Commissioner.
A flowchart outlining TransLink's governance structure and the roles played by the Mayors' Council and the Regional Transportation Commissioner.

Just a heads up to let you know that the Mayors’ Council will be meeting in the morning on Friday, October 23, and they will be deciding on our 10-Year Plan for 2010.

The main TransLink site has the full details of the three 10-Year Plan options before the Council, plus an explanation of our planning process. (Here’s a past blog post on the planning process too.)

As you may know, there’s three plan options with distinct funding levels to choose from: an On Track plan with about $450 million of funding, a Funding Stabilization plan with $130 million, and a Drastic Cuts scenario with no new funding.

As part of our planning process, the independent Regional Transportation Commissioner has reviewed all these plans — this post has more on that — and the Friday Mayors’ Council meeting is to determine their approval for the plans.

Reporter Jeff Nagel wrote a piece today reporting that the mayors are looking at the $130 million option, so do check out his article for more on that.

And of course, on Friday I will have more info on whatever the mayors do decide and what it means for us.


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