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Michael Gilbert: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Michael Gilbert: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Michael Gilbert and his October Buzzer cover illustration!
Michael Gilbert and his October Buzzer cover illustration!

Since the last Buzzer illustrator interview went so well, I put together an interview with Michael Gilbert, the man behind the October Buzzer cover. Here he is!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your art!

My name is Michael and I make a living by drawing silly pictures all day. It’s true, people can make a living that way!

How did you come up with the October Buzzer cover?

When I first started working on the Buzzer cover illustration, the concept was simple: to showcase the topic of ride sharing. Ride sharing is essentially carpooling (Something I do all the time). I think the idea came to me while I was carpooling, probably in a car with too many people…

When did you start drawing, and when did you decide illustrating was for you?

Well, I can’t say an exact age , but If I had to guess, it’d be around two. On a professional level, I’d say…twenty?

Could you talk a bit about your training as an illustrator—or are you self taught?

Of course! I took some college a few years back but what you see in my work comes from practice. When learning it is best to surround yourself with illustrations you like and try to figure out how the techniques are used.

Your illustration style is very reminiscent of old Hanna-Barbera cartoons, at least to my eye! Is that intentional? How did your style evolve?

You have a good eye! I love the old Hanna-Barbera style. Their style is very carefree and easy on the eyes. Back in college, my style was a little “Loud.” I grew older and realized that I have no reason to be so full of angst anymore! And here we are.

What kind of work are you doing lately, and where can we see it?

I’ve been working on a few animated television pilots, and it is going really well! I have been practicing up with my traditional illustration pieces and am having fun getting into painting. I have a blog site that I update regularly, take a look!

What are the animated TV pilots you’re working on — can you tell us any more about the shows, or where we might see them?

Sure! I’m in the process of creating some storyboards for a Halloween special which will be out by next year, and am working with some industry friends. I shouldn’t say too much but I’ll mention that it has ties to some of the vocal talent featured on Spongebob Squarepants…

Do you have a regular transit route that you take? And do you have favourite seat to sit in on the bus or SkyTrain?

When I need to get somewhere in a hurry, you can bet I’ll be taking the 321! Its quick and reliable. I never sit on it though, I prefer to stand!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Kids—Stay in school!

Thanks Mike!

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