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Friday fun post: does it bother you when people talk on cell phones on transit?

Friday fun post: does it bother you when people talk on cell phones on transit?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the cell phone poll.

Two weeks ago: answers to the 1937 Buzzer trivia

Can you guess which Vancouver streets these picture puzzles are describing?
Can you guess which Vancouver streets these picture puzzles are describing?

The fun post from two weeks ago asked you to solve the three 1937 Buzzer picture puzzles shown above. The solutions were all Vancouver street names, which all still exist!

And the winner of this round is….. Reva!

Which means the answers are: Templeton, Jackson, and Wallace. A “jack” does apparently mean a sailor, which was also confirmed by Dave 2 in the comments.

Well done to all of you who wrote in though — kudos for puzzling it out!

And Reva, I can mail out those buttons and the flashy pocket radio if you want to e-mail me your address.

This week: is it OK to talk on your cell phone on transit

Transit is a public space, so a single person’s cell phone conversation can affect quite a number of people at once. But do you tend not to care, or do you mind very much?

By the way, there aren’t any actual rules against cell phones on transit here — we don’t prohibit their use unless you’re really causing problems for fellow passengers.

And personally I lean towards “It bothers me,” since it just seems so intrusive to have a conversation in the middle of all these people!

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