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Adopt-a-Stop: a proposed user-created web app

Adopt-a-Stop: a proposed user-created web app

Brainstorming for the Adopt-a-Stop web app.
Brainstorming for the Adopt-a-Stop web app.

A few people have already caught onto this, but if you haven’t heard yet, we’ve released our transit data online in GTFS format. So now, developers out there can use it to create useful apps for everyone! (A more formal press release will be sent out to promote the data in the near future.)

Anyway, to take advantage of this new data, Karen Fung and Richard Eriksson are proposing to put together a web app called Adopt-A-Stop, and they’d love your feedback and/or support.

Here’s an excerpt from their blog post about the project:

The basic gist? Here in Vancouver, every bus stop in the system has a 5 digit ID, and now we also have geographic information for each stop thanks to TransLink’s recent release of their data in the GTFS. The long and the short of it is:

We want people to be able to find and create stories with their cellphones that are associated with bus stops.

So feel free to check out their original post about the project and let them know what you think. (They’ve also pitched the idea to the Knight News Challenge, a competition rewarding community news and social media experiments — good luck!)


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