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Friday fun post: are you noticing the Olympic crowds on transit yet?

Friday fun post: are you noticing the Olympic crowds on transit yet?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about Olympic crowds on transit.

Last week: how do you feel about your car?

Last week’s fun post asked how you felt about your car.

Well, of the 185 who took the poll, it turns out most of you don’t have a car—53% to be precise. I guess I should have known, considering we talk about transit so much!

Of the remaining votes, 30% said it was just a way to get from A to B, 14% said it was a part of who they are, and 3% said it was an indispensable part of their job. So it seems that many car drivers in the poll are exactly hugging their car outside its basic functions, but there are some who certainly do find their car quite beloved and helpful.

A few comments showed that not only did some people not have cars, they didn’t even have drivers licenses. I grew up in Edmonton, so this revelation is pretty mindboggling to me! But it’s nice to know the transit system can support the decisions of some not to drive. Here’s Rvie

I never had a car in my entire life. I never wanted to get a driver’s license ever, even when I turned 16. Call me a coward but to me I felt that I’d just be risking my life (and the lives of other people) driving a car to school/work and back every day. That’s why I only take transit, and I love it. =)

But ;-) said that he couldn’t imagine giving up his car.

Anyways, I would like to do away with the expense of a car, but it’s just not practical….

-carrying a weeks groceries is challenging on transit

-too many retailers don’t welcome backpacks or large carrying bags into their stores

-there is no place to store valuables (laptops, electronics, cameras) when your destinations forbids their presence

-travelling short distances with large groups is not cost effective

-some buses won’t pick me up because they are too full when I want to use the service

-the Canada Line does not run frequently enough in the evening for me to make transit connections

-some bus stops and sidewalks to my destination are suicidal with all the bikes using sidewalks as their speedway

-90 minutes is not enough time for some trips
-paying a zone premium for short hop on the border is not fair, it’s cheaper for me to drive

And here’s our happy medium: Chris said he didn’t own a car, but did have access to one, and that’s worked well.

Who needs a car in Vancouver? When I moved to the city I became a member of the Co-operative Auto Network, and haven’t been happier – less stress and less costs.

As always, feel free to check out the original post to read everyone’s comments!

This week: are you noticing the Olympic crowds yet?

The Olympics folks are starting to arrive now, and we were just talking in the office about how some bus routes are already feeling busier. Are you noticing this too?

Anyway, we’ll be boosting service for the Games in February, so hopefully we’ll be able to handle all of it! And if you haven’t read it, here’s the overview article on how we have prepared for the Games.


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