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Friday fun post: are you helping out new folks on transit?

Friday fun post: are you helping out new folks on transit?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about helping out new folks on transit.

Last week: are you noticing the Olympic crowds yet?

Last week’s fun post asked if you had noticed Olympic crowds on transit yet.

We had 165 votes in the poll, and 58.8% said a resounding “No!”. The remaining 41.2% said yes, they had noticed crowds.

So most people aren’t experiencing crowds, which I guess is good! Although this could be just a large number of votes from people in areas unaffected by the Olympics. And it’s not as though people aren’t noticing any Olympic differences lately. Henry said he hadn’t seen crowds, but he did notice tourists on transit.

Crowds? I wouldn’t say crowds in my case, but I have noticed more tourists recently. It looks like there are some out-of-towners with their respective nation’s Olympic gear on. That’s pretty neat to see. I guess some of them are here early to scope things out. At the same time, I guess there checking out transit too.

Really though, most of the comments came from the 41.2% who said they were seeing bigger crowds lately. Here’s Brandon, an operator from CMBC:

Being a bus driver, I have noticed more people then usual getting on the bus as well as heavier traffic in some areas due to the road closures. I have also had more people asking me how to get around in the last week or so, mostly people that would normally drive to/from work for now.

Jason V also said this:

I especially noticed bigger Olympic crowds at Waterfront Station today. I also saw the telltale signs of folks lingering on the train as it waits at the platform, disembarking at the last second (presumably because they’re not sure which station is their stop – I wish these people would ask for stop confirmation beforehand!) Oh well, so long as they’re not in a hurry, I wish them happy exploring!

By the way, I asked if Jason and everyone else were actually helping out tourists if they looked lost: the answer so far seems to be “Yes!”

As always, feel free to check out the original post to read everyone’s comments!

This week: are you helping out tourists on transit?

I asked this question in the comments of the last poll, so let’s give it its own poll! (It also follows quite nicely from the “Ask Me” post.)

Currently there are some newbies in town riding transit owing to the Games :) But do you find yourself helping these new folks out when you encounter them on transit?


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