The 250 keeps on going
February 14, 2010
The 250 keeps on going
February 14, 2010

Lisa Parker sent along this photo she posted on Flickr, of the 250 heading on its route as protests dispersed last Friday, Feb. 12.
Her title for this photo was, “Protest or not – this bus is keeping to its schedule!” And her extended caption to the photo says: “I loved this – the protest was just diffusing and here comes the bus… awesome!”
Oh, that 250 :) Buses are always rerouted when incidents make it unsafe or hard to get through, but we do try to get things back on track as soon as we’re given the all clear, and that’s surely demonstrated here.
Here’s a few more photos of the bus slipping by as the protests dissipated.

What did you think of this story?
It was awesome! The place was swarming with media and cops, and the 250 just slowly moved on by with passengers!! Yeah Bus driver!!!
With the state of confusion, I wonder if he obeyed the signal.
Then again, is there any doubt? I’m sure he did!
Well, as the police presence was high, I’m sure the operator was careful to abide by the rules :)
Sure, but it’s a little funny to see the intersection the way it is, people wandering about, police still taking statements and arresting criminals and the intersection largely unused along with pedestrians mostly ignoring the pedestrian signals.
Then to see a transit bus come along and stop for the red light and wait for it to turn green even though the intersection was essentially closed in the state it was in.
@Cliff: interesting observation, perhaps this should replace the mural at the Woodwards lobby.
Heh, good one. Good to know if Vancouver ever crumbles to the ground, its transit operators will still be operating 100% safely.
Looking closely at the pictures, you can see he was indeed obeying the signals. On the edge of the picture you can make out that the light is red and he’s clearly stopped before the crosswalk, in the picture where the light is green, he’s ahead of it.