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The 250 keeps on going

The 250 keeps on going

The 250 on its route.
The 250 on its route. Photo by Lisa Parker.

Lisa Parker sent along this photo she posted on Flickr, of the 250 heading on its route as protests dispersed last Friday, Feb. 12.

Her title for this photo was, “Protest or not – this bus is keeping to its schedule!” And her extended caption to the photo says: “I loved this – the protest was just diffusing and here comes the bus… awesome!”

Oh, that 250 :) Buses are always rerouted when incidents make it unsafe or hard to get through, but we do try to get things back on track as soon as we’re given the all clear, and that’s surely demonstrated here.

Here’s a few more photos of the bus slipping by as the protests dissipated.

The 250 again. Photo by Lisa Parker
The 250 again.
The 250 again!
The 250 again!

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