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Tobias Ottahal: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Tobias Ottahal: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Tobias sent along this self-portrait, which I've put next to his Great Ride illustration!
Tobias sent along this self-portrait, which I've put next to his Great Ride illustration!

The fine tradition of interviewing our Buzzer illustrators continues! Here is Tobias Ottahal, who drew the cover of the April issue.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your art!

I’m a Swedish native who came to Vancouver about five years ago to study design, but started out as an illustrator. My career began at my junior high newspaper :)

How did you come up with the Buzzer cover? Can you talk a bit about the other concepts?

Since the theme was related to the “Bike the Blossoms”-ride, I wanted to do something that conveyed the massive change from barren tree branches to the explosion of leaves and cherry blossoms that occur around this time of year. The general idea was to let the blossoms have centre stage
and to see it from a Stanley Park-visitor’s perspective.

What kind of work are you doing lately, and where can we see it?

This summer, I’m re-branding the Students’ Union of VCC as a result of a major restructuring that they’ve undergone. In August, I am going to Pakistan to co-teach a design course at the University of Karachi, helping connect design students with the local crafts community. Past work can be found here:

Do you have a regular transit route that you take? And do you have favourite seat to sit in on the bus or SkyTrain?

The B-Line has served me well so many times that I have to vote for it as my darling. No favourite seat though. I try to mix it up a little to get new perspectives ;)

Thanks Tobias!

Make sure to check out interviews with our past Buzzer illustrators too: Jesse Williams, Chloe Lan, Justin Chen, Michael Gilbert, Jane Koo!


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