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We want your thoughts on rapid transit to UBC!

We want your thoughts on rapid transit to UBC!

As you may know, our staff has been hard at work over the last year in partnership with the Province of B.C., studying rapid transit options for UBC and in Surrey!

Stakeholders in both communities have helped us get to know the key issues and concerns. And with their feedback in mind, we’ve now identified six preliminary concepts for the Broadway corridor to UBC—and we want to know what you think. (The Surrey consultation is coming soon!)

Check out the video above to learn more about the corridor and the study (um, yes, that is me in the video, in case you’re wondering.)

Then visit our UBC Be Part of the Plan page to learn more about the alternatives, and share your thoughts in our questionnaire, on our online discussion boards, or at one of our five in-person workshops held throughout April and May.

Just like last time, I’ll be helping moderate the discussion boards—hope to see you there!

The challenge and the proposed solutions

Six alternatives are proposed as preliminary concepts for the Broadway corridor.
Six alternatives are proposed as preliminary concepts for the Broadway corridor.

The 99 B-Line is the busiest bus route in our system, and it shows. Buses are crowded, waiting passengers are being left behind, and journey times are unpredictable, affecting quality of service for customers.

Conventional buses are already working near capacity, even though buses arrive every two to three minutes during peak times. And as demand is only expected to grow, we’ve been working with the Province to assess a range of alternatives for future rapid transit service, to determine the preferred solution.

There are six suggested alternatives for the Broadway corridor, and each one uses one of three rapid transit technologies—Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Rail Rapid Transit (RRT)—or some combination of these technologies.

As you explore the alternatives at the UBC Line Study page, make sure you look at the diagrams: they show the possible route options, and some of the concepts have two or three routes!

Help us shape these early concepts: the fine details are yet to be determined

It’s important to stress that we are still in the early stages of planning for rapid transit service, and the presented alternatives are all preliminary concepts that we want you to help us shape. The questions we really want you to answer are:

  • For each alternative, imagine that it has been selected as the final decision. Even if you don’t like it, what would you do to make the selected alternative the best possible option that works for your community?
  • What other information do you need about this alternative to help you make an informed choice?

Join us at the online discussion boards to share your thoughts on both these questions.

Remember, we haven’t yet identified the station locations, whether the service is in a tunnel or elevated, or where it is on the street yet. Once we get to Phase 2 of the study, designs for these alternatives will be developed and will undergo a detailed evaluation.

Your thoughts are needed!

Your feedback is key—our planning team will listen to your thoughts as they shape the options for the Broadway corridor. They’ll take your suggestions, refine the options, and we’ll present them in the fall for more public discussion.

So again, make sure to share your thoughts in our questionnaire, on our online discussion boards, or at one of our five in-person workshops held throughout April and May!


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