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1959 Buzzer trumpets fast buses on freeways

1959 Buzzer trumpets fast buses on freeways

The May 22, 1959 Buzzer. Click the image to <a href=>download it as a PDF</a>.
The May 22, 1959 Buzzer. Click the image to download it as a PDF.

While nosing through the Buzzer archives, I dug up this 1959 Buzzer, which comes out swinging for fast buses on freeways!

This was written when freeways were being seriously considered for the region, and since that didn’t happen in the city of Vancouver, it’s a bit like reading about a parallel universe.

I quite liked this quote:

“For our metropolitan area the freeway bus system offers advantages in convenience, travel time and capital cost over a rail system,” Mr. Sutton Brown stated.

In any case, he added, the volume of rapid transit passengers would be insufficient to make a rail system practical.

Make sure to look at the full issue: there’s some great stuff on the growth challenges for 1959, which are especially interesting in light of our current work on rapid transit in UBC and Surrey.


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