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Take transit to the Vancouver Aquarium and save $2 on admission

Take transit to the Vancouver Aquarium and save $2 on admission

A beluga whale at the Vancouver Aquarium. Photo by Leto A.

If you hadn’t heard yet, the Vancouver Aquarium is teaming up with us to encourage visitors to travel smart!

You’ll get a $2 discount on admission to the Aquarium if you show:

  • a valid transit pass, such as a FareCard, U-Pass, or Employer Pass,
  • or a DayPass (adult or concession),
  • or a FareSaver ticket or farebox ticket valid for that day.

Plus you can visit all year for the discount — this special offer is a permanent new policy!

As the Aquarium says on their special offers page, the discount “helps the Aquarium reinforce its commitment to conservation. By leaving your vehicle at home and taking public transit, your visit to the Aquarium becomes even easier, more economical and lighter on the environment.”

To get to the Vancouver Aquarium by transit, just take the #19 Stanley Park/Metrotown, which ends just a brief walk from the Aquarium. During the summer months, the regular bus service is supplemented by “short-turn” shuttle buses running between Pender and Cambie and the Stanley Park Loop. Visit our Trip Planner to plan your trip.

Find out more at the Vancouver Aquarium’s special offers page, and the TransLink press release about the new offer.

You can also find more tips for travelling smart on our TravelSmart page, and find local attractions reachable by transit at Destinations to Discover.


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