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Info sessions on the West Vancouver bus-only lane on Marine Drive, Thu Sept 2 and Sat Sept 4

Info sessions on the West Vancouver bus-only lane on Marine Drive, Thu Sept 2 and Sat Sept 4

A West Vancouver Blue Bus at Georgia and Granville in downtown Vancouver. Photo by sashafatcat.

I’m still on holiday! This is a scheduled post.

You’re invited to learn more about the bus-only lane on Marine Drive in West Vancouver!

As you may know, an eastbound bus-only lane is being built on Marine Drive, starting just west of the Village at Park Royal to Taylor Way. The reason: no more traffic lanes can be added to the bridge, and taking transit is the only way to move more people over the bridge. (Buses make up two per cent of bridge traffic, but move 28 per cent of travellers, and increasing transit’s share of the road will help increase capacity.)

Info sessions about the lane are planned at Park Royal Shopping Centre from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates:

Thursday Sept. 2 @ North Mall centre court near Aveda
Saturday Sept. 4 @ South Mall in front of Latitude

The West Vancouver Bus Lane is part of the $40 million Marine Drive Transit Priority Improvement Project, which also includes replacing the old Capilano River Bridge with a new three-lane bridge, adding a bus lane in North Vancouver and improving Marine Drive.

For more information, contact Vincent Gonsalves, Community Relations Coordinator at TransLink, at or 604-453-3043. You can also check out the info session page on the main website for more.

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