Friday fun poll: have you ever put a bike on the bus bike rack?
Friday fun poll: have you ever put a bike on the bus bike rack?

In the comments on Tuesday’s tidbits post, Jean suggested a poll about using the bike rack on buses. A great idea!
Have you ever put a bike on a bus's bike rack?
Total Voters: 261 |
So why have you used or not used the bike racks? Do you find you want to know more before trying it out? Jean mentioned that a couple of people think an instructional video would be a good idea — what does everyone else think? As well: if you ARE an intrepid bus bike rack user, can you share any good tips for loading/unloading?
(Incidentally: I should mention that there are two styles of bike rack out there, and as far as I know, our staff are aware that some of the newer racks are a bit more difficult than the older racks. You can read more about what fixes we have asked for in this past comment. Also, while you’re visiting that past comment, check out the bike rack rap video!)
What did you think of this story?
I haven’t used them for one key reason: I’d rather ride my bike than pay $2.25 to carry it on a bus. The bike is cheaper and, quite often, faster, and I get exercise, too. I don’t rule the possibility of someday using a bus, however (say, to get through the Deas Tunnel, or if I have a mechanical issue and need the bus to get home). Some sort of online instruction would be most useful, so that I don’t have to hold the bus up and look like a fool the first time I (try to) use a rack.
Both times I used a bike rack on a bus, the driver had to come out to help me, as I couldn’t seem to figure it out and/or seem to lack the upper body strength to lift my bike as high as it needs to go to get onto the rack. (What business do I have trying to take my bike on the bus, you say? Well, how else am I going to improve my fitness levels?)
For mechanically inept folk like myself, having to use the bike rack can be traumatizingly stressful, and a friend and I have discussed suggesting that Translink have a stationary rack somewhere so people could practice putting their bikes on and off the rack without having to do it quickly in traffic. Whaddya say? Alternately, an instructional video is a great idea.
Incidentally, the second time I tried and failed to get my bike on the rack and the driver had to get out to show me, he gave me hell as it was just past 5 (or is it 6?) pm. Fair enough, but I had just had the rod stolen out of my back wheel and couldn’t very well ride anywhere safely. What should I have done? Waited on my ass for 2 hours until rush hour was over? Walked my bike home thru the DTES by myself with a broken bike? Rules are rules and I get it, but sometimes a little compassion goes a long way. Just saying.
I used it to get back home after I blew a tire tube after riding out to Horseshoe Bay. Was very glad to have that available!
I second the notion of a stationary rack—perhaps it could be on castors and make the rounds of the Skytrain stations that are equipped with bike lockers, along with some instructional signage? If Translink doesn’t have the resources to house it in a place accessible to the public, maybe an organization like VACC would take loan of it?
An instructional video would be a great help, too, like this one for MUNI:
I’ve used it on several occasions. All with no problems. Personally, it would be a great idea if bicycles were allowed inside buses during off peak hours space permitting if the racks are full.
Once, while cycling through Maple Ridge with a friend, we wanted to catch the 701 back to Coquitlam. As we rode past Haney Place, we noticed someone with a bicycle waiting there already. I figured if we were going to go on the same bus, we would take the risk and cycle further down Dewdney Trunk on the chance that the next 701 to show up came from Maple Ridge East. Sure enough, it did. When we got to Haney Place the other cyclist waiting there was furious (and justifiably so) because with only two available slots on the racks, he wasn’t able to board. He recognized the bicycles on the rack as he had just seen us ride through the parking lot and went up and down the side of the bus peering in, his face painted with what I can only describe as silent rage, trying to look for helmets. We had hidden them as we approached Haney Place to avoid a confrontation; a good thing we did!
In hindsight, it was a dirty, dirty, trick, but had the next bus started from Haney Place, then it would have been him on that bus and not us.
In Bellingham, I’ve noticed that many, if not all, their bike racks actually have three slots for bikes. Why is this not the case here? They do appear to be from the same vendor….
I ride fairly often, so I can actually match or beat a B-line from UBC to Commercial. When I was in Vancouver, I had used the bike racks frequently when moving bikes from home to on campus, when I was carrying not just the bicycle but also some luggage. The racks are indispensable for ferrying bicycles or for emergencies. However, noone should be under the impression that one can reliably commute by carrying a bike on the bus, even off peak.
Hey Edward, bus fare is $2.50!
I have no problems coming out to offer help when it is obvious that the cyclist is having difficulty loading the bicycle onto the rack, or it is the cyclist’s first time.
I explain the three simple steps to loading the bike, and I emphasize that the securement hook should go over the front wheel.
The V2W bike rack with the advertisement panel is indeed heavier to fold up, and the design of the wheel supports don’t balance the bike on their own so that you can free your hands to help secure the wheel hook. The older yellow steel racks were good for that.
Well I haven’t used the bike rack yet as I don’t bike too often. Though i’ve noticed that the new design racks on the newer buses don’t really hold a bike too well, as for the older buses with the yellow racks, I say those are more stable and fitting! If translink can fit the buses with more table racks, maybe I’ll use them more often!
One thing I find neat is that, while the bike racks are similar in most cities (in fact, I think most bus companies get them from the same vendor, or at least a very small list), the procedures are often quite different.
For example, in Seattle, where I first started mixing cycling and busing, drivers typically ask that the first rider on a bus with a 2-bike rack put their bike in the outer slot (i.e. further from the bus); the reasoning is that it makes it easier for the driver to know exactly how much space is added on to the front of their bus. However, when I moved to Vancouver, I did that the first time and the bus driver politely informed me that drivers in Van are trained and know how big their bus is, and all I’m doing is inconveniencing the next passenger who wants to use the bike rack. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it definitely makes a lot of sense! In Toronto, you’re allowed to bring your bike on the bus if the rack is full but the bus isn’t.
(Anonymous Rant about cyclists riding Skytrain in the “forbidden rush hour direction” I’ve only complained out loud twice, once the Australian tourists apologized and got off at Main Street, even with their bikes vertical on their back wheels they realized they were being crushed against the doors; the other time I got lip from the kids who kept shoving the handlebars into me as they had to maneuver to let others get on/off. Just today I had to squeeze by a passenger and a bike to get off a MK-1 train in the ‘rush hour direction’ at 4:50PM , the passenger apologized, “It’s not your fault” was my response… not to rant too much, but really, the kids who got on at Main Street at ~8:40 AM to ride to Waterfront? Why not just ride the bikes?
Well I’ve only recently taken up riding to work since the beginning of June. Yet my route only requires me to ride the skytrain between VCC-Clark and holdom. This is before the afternoon rush hour and after midnight coming home.
Also for all my shopping needs I either just cycle to Metrotown or to Oakridge. It actually is quicker in both ways than for me to wait for the bus.
So I’ve yet to have a reason to take my bike on a bus.
One quick question for those who have put a bike on the rack.
When standing towards the front of the bus with the rack down. The two devices that you pull up to secure your bike. They recommend that you install those on the front wheels. Are they setup so that the inner slot that device opens up one way and the other slot the other way? That if there are two bikes on the rack the handle bars would not hit.
If they do open in different directions. On the inner slot does the front tire of the bike have to be on the driver side or what would be the passenger side of the bus.
I’m trying to visualize it so that if I ever had to use the rack I’m ready with my bike pointing in the proper direction. I hate making people wait as I hate when people make me wait. lol.
Paul, yes the yellow bar wheel locks are positioned for 2 bikes, each placed in opposite direction to one another. Better photo is here:
Only 1 wheel lock is needed –as others pointed out, just front lock. Remove any heavy panniers, etc. Not sure if a bike had a front basket if that works. Anyone tried this?
(Jhenifer, I took the liberty to mention on Inside Vancouver Blog.)
Sorry, front wheel needs only 1 wheel bus rack bar lock.
The first time I used the bus bike rack I had an incident that has made me nervous ever since. When I went to remove my bike the front tire got stuck, and then came flying off my bike (it was a quick release) and rolled down the street. Knock on wood, I’ve had no problems since, but I always watch nervously as every bump sends the bikes in the rack bouncing up and down.
Is it possible to get more racks on the bus roots that service the ferry terminals – the 257 and 620? On weekends, I’ve seen 6+ people with bikes waiting for the same bus.
I haven’t used them for one key reason. I ride my bike for leisure, and not for getting to school…
But, I do know how to put it on quickly.
An instructional video specific to the type of bike rack Translink has on its buses would be useful, as would be a rack in a central location where people could practice loading their bikes.
I’ve used a bike rack, but I’ve never actually taken the bus with my bike….
I biked down to see the “50 years of Trolleys in Vancouver” event in Stanley Park a few years ago and while I was there I decided to try out the rack on one of the new Flyer trolleys. I figured it would be better figure out how the rack worked right there rather than having to fumble with it when I actually needed to board the bus.
I found the rack to be very straightforward and easy to use.
I’d recommend every cyclist who rides near a bus loop to head over there, find a parked bus and give the rack a try.
Well, I’ve never used a bus bike rack before because it seems very daunting to do. I’m pretty sure that I would be one of those people that would have trouble putting it on the rack and would hold up the bus because the driver would have to come out to help me! However, a how-to video or a demo rack that I could try out might be able to eliminate my fears. I have faith that one day I will use the bus bike rack!
Like what was mentioned in a previous post, if you wanted to practice using a bike rack, simply find a bus that is at the end of the route/line, and would be “parked” for more than a few minutes, and give it a try!! Most drivers would be more than accomodating…
It’s when the bus is like 5 miutes late, a-n-d- blocking a lane of traffic, that one might experience a not so accomodating driver.
I know that you can call the training department of Coast Mountain Bus Company for instruction on how to load and unload wheelchairs. Maybe they’d offer some sort of bike rack instruction as well???
“Like what was mentioned in a previous post, if you wanted to practice using a bike rack, simply find a bus that is at the end of the route/line, and would be “parked” for more than a few minutes, and give it a try!! Most drivers would be more than accomodating…”
I guess Sean, would a bus driver, who is waiting for passengers to lineup for bus or chatting up with another employee at a bus exchange point: would s/he be willing to answer questions/show a cyclist willing to learn there on the spot?
Perhaps for some bus drivers, it may not be their orientation: ie. simple client instruction.
Another suggestion is to have a bus bike rack to practice, at one of TransLink’s offices….their office at Metrotown or at the Lost & Found area at Stadium Skytrain Station.
Still a short online video uploaded on YouTube would do the trick.
How did I learn? My partner cycles alot and I follow him along. He showed me. ‘Course it doesn’t solve problem that I’m 5’1″. I just make sure I buy bikes not too heavy.
Thanks for the comment above. The link you provided with the picture helped me.
I have no panniers and no mud guards on my current bike. It being a prehistoric relic. But when I do get a new bike, I will be looking at getting mud guards. Do they cause problems using the bike rakes?
Brad brought up an interesting question. How does one release the wheel brace? Is there a trigger on it or is simply you just pull up on it has it is only spring loaded?
I too find the video very helpful at how easy to put a bike in a rack.
Perhaps another video to show cyclists that only two bikes are permitted on each Canada Line train for safety. It’s amazing how many can’t count.
I have used the bike rack twice. The first time I used the bike rack, I wasn’t planning on using it. I used it only because my bike tire was flat. I had no problem figuring out how to use it. The second time I used it, was intentional. I was meeting a friend down at Ladner exchange, and had to take my bike on the 404 Ladner exchange bus from Richmond Center because we were going for a bike ride together in Ladner.
Two questions about the bike racks though:
1) How come the bike racks on some buses are straight (most New Flyer buses ranging from 1995-2001 and Nova buses), while others are slanted? (2006 New Flyer buses and Trolleys)
2) Why can’t we put bikes on the community shuttle bike racks at night?
@ric the D40LF’s headlights are under one slot of the rack and the Nova’s headlights can peak through between the two slots therefore not obstructing the headlights when folded up. When folded down the D40LF’s headlights would appear above the rack and not obstructing the light. On the Nova’s since they’re a little higher and the headlights go off to the sides of the front, the rack wouldn’t be a problem as it’s not as wide as the lights are spaced out. for the curved racks on the newer newflyers, since the headlights are lower, the straight rack would just block the headlights whether folded down or up. With the curved Racks it won’t obstruct the lights as they are positioned a bit above the lights when folded up.
@ric Q2: The racks would also obstruct the headlights on the shuttle for driving at night!
And there’s your answers! From a 13 year old boy :)
Yep, I’ve done it a million times. The newer ones I find were hard the first few times, but it gets easier over time. On the newer ones, you have to hit a tab to lift the hook to go over your front wheel. First time I had to deal with it, it was a little slow. But I got it on just as the last bit of people were filing on.
The older ones you just lift the hook and put it on the wheel of your bike. Its nice to be able to do that, on the bus. But making a permanent rack on the buses… seems like a bad idea to me. Vandalism, and accidents. Etc. But still, even with the newer racks, it doesn’t take me long to load up my bike. About… 5 Seconds.
@Jean – “I guess Sean, would a bus driver, who is waiting for passengers to lineup for bus or chatting up with another employee at a bus exchange point: would s/he be willing to answer questions/show a cyclist willing to learn there on the spot?”
I think if you can find an idle bus so that you have a little time to fiddle with it you’d find it’s actually easy enough to figure out on your own without having to ask for help.
But if you feel the need to ask, then I think it’s just a matter of using common sense. Try to find a bus driver that’s not obviously busy dealing with customers. I’m pretty sure that you saw a couple of bus drivers chatting to each other while waiting for their runs to start a courteous “Excuse Me…” would bring a friendly response.
Thanks for your response, Sean.
A video would still be helpful. Would visiting cyclists to Metro Vancouver, know this unwritten de facto advice? Perhaps then, this suggestion should be front and centre on TransLink’s web pages related to bikes and transit.
It’s great for locals to learn your tip –although there’s a ton of locals who don’t visit Buzzer Blog nor Inside Vancouver’s tourism website. (or don’t even know about it)
In the bigger, long-term picture, cycling tourism is set to grow for Metro Vancouver. Our public transportation systems in relationship to our cycling networks, increasingly make it more viable and easier to combine cycling with transit, rail and ferry.
Other jurisdictions are marketing more assertively, cycling tourism which incorporates multi-modal travel: Ontario is making those connections and marketing it. Some same and other info.
So the more preliminary, helpful public info. we can provide at TransLink’s website to locals and visitors about bikes and transit, the better.
Is the main reason for not producing a video, a question of cost and time? It doesn’t need to be long.
I’ve never used it – Nor do I have any idea on how to use it. Will the driver come out and help me? An instructional video would help!
Btw I just want to mention that we DO have a stationary bike rack that is brought out to public events for people to try out. It’s modeled on the old-style racks though, not the new ones. You can see it in this picture I posted of one of our public consultation events—it’s in the back left of the picture, where the bike is standing up in midair! Point taken that we should publicize its whereabouts more often should people want to try it, though.
Jean: yes, the main reason for not producing a video is cost and time. But I can try doing an amateur version if there’s enough demand.
I have used the bike racks a few times, but I probably won’t again unless I am with someone who can help me.
I found the old racks very easy to use. The new racks on the other hand were very difficult for me. The problem isn’t that I don’t know what to do, so a video isn’t helpful at all. Like Nikki, I’m kind of weak, so lifting my bike up and then holding it in place while I pull out the arm can be challenging. I had such a hard time yanking the arm out using only one hand, and then when I almost had it, my bike would slip off!
My attempts to use the racks were over 2 years ago, and I think the buses and racks I used may have been quite new. So I don’t know if the problem is just that the new ones are a bit stiff, but I’m not too eager to try again. Like others have said, I really don’t want to hold up a bus full of people while I struggle with the bike rack.
I commute to SFU, so taking my bike the whole way is not an option for me, given my level of fitness and the amount of time it would take me to get up the hill. I definitely would bike more if I knew I could manage the bike racks.
Perhaps Bobo, the geometry of your bike or your wheel width causes you to want to hold bike while try to wrestle with pulling out the wheel bar locking brace?? I’ve not yet had to do that type of maneouvre yet. And I am a petite person.
I place the bike in the rack wheel tracks, THEN I pull out the yellow front wheel bar locking brace to bring it over the front wheel to lock in whole bike to rack.
Some general comments: There are now actually alot of cities in the U.S. and some in Canada where their local transit buses also have bike racks.
Thanks for the update, Jhenifer. Perhaps choose a cyclist who is medium-short height for video could illustrate how it is all possible. 6 ft. tall folks do have an advantage here.
Jhen, the fleet year 2000 New Flyer D60LF buses consists of a fleet of 52 buses, which has now been reduced to a fleet of 51 because B8054 had burned completely due to a severe engine fire.
However, why do the majority of these buses have the smooth blue vinyl seats like the ones found on most of the other New Flyer D40LFs/D60LFs, while the rest of them, mainly the ones that were on the 98 B-Line have fabric seats?
I have two complaints with using the bicycle racks. The first is that the ones with the advertising plaques are too heavy to lift with one hand. How are you supposed to hold your bike and lower or raise the rack at the same time? Secondly, drivers who close the front door of the bus while you’re still standing in front of the bus or don’t open the front door while you’re lowering the rack to load a bike. It’s a safety protocol that should be followed to let the cyclist know it’s safe to be standing in front of a bus in the middle of the street.
Cliff: Here’s the answer from fleet management as to why we don’t use the 3-bike bus racks.
I’ve used the bike rack – I was pretty nervous the first time (I’d be putting it on at rush hour), and so I looked up instructional videos on you tube. There was an amateur one that someone in Toronto did, and that was very useful. The first time, I sat at the front staring at my bike the entire time, worried it would fall off (it didn’t, and never has in all the subsequent trips).
I find it mostly pretty easy, except when the pully thing (that anchors your bike wheel) is stiff – that takes an awkward tug (especially if you are short).
An instructional video and a stationary place (or more) to practice would be great.
Has anyone used the bike lockers? I find them useful, but the payment system is so awkward that I let mine lapse (no online payment or renewal, and my first renewal email came as an attachment with no subject line, so I had deleted it, thinking it was spam!).
Wow, a majority of respondents have used a bike rack on a bus!! That sure tells you that the average transit customer hasn’t responded to your poll. I’ve ridden the bus with thousands of pedestrians in the last few years and can still count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I’ve seen someone load a bike on the front of a bus.
David: well, as the blog title says, it’s a fun poll and not intended to be representative. This is just to hear some feedback and encourage some discussion. Also, I don’t know precisely how well used the racks are, but on my regular bus routes I see a ton of people using the bike rack! It all might depend on where you ride.
Does the 49 route run out of Richmond Transit Center? When I used this route on this Tuesday I noticed that the bus had a “R” prefix?
Also the bus that was on the route when I used it was a D60LF bus. Since this route goes to Metrotown why would it be using an articulated bus? I thought there wasn’t enough room at the Metrotown loop to park and load articulated buses.
Ric: Yes, Mon to Fri 49’s are out of RTC. This due to equiptment availability at VTC or so I am led to believe. Some morning and afternoon work is being done with artics due to previous overload problems. I haven’t been to MetroTown lately but as I recall there is parking on the street side of the loop that could be used by the artics and as depending on the bay used loading should not be a problem.
Comments by Jean
“Perhaps Bobo, the geometry of your bike or your wheel width causes you to want to hold bike while try to wrestle with pulling out the wheel bar locking brace?? I’ve not yet had to do that type of maneouvre yet. And I am a petite person.”
That brings up an interesting question. Is it easier to use the rack with a road bike and the thin tires or is it easier with the wide mountain bike tires?
Has anyone noticed which is easier or have you found that it really doesn’t matter?
“Thanks for the update, Jhenifer. Perhaps choose a cyclist who is medium-short height for video could illustrate how it is all possible. 6 ft. tall folks do have an advantage here.’
I’m definetly in the advantage being 6 feet tall. Another advantage is my job is physical and does require lifting at times. So lifting a bike is nothing for me. I’ve even figured out how to hold my bike in one hand and carry it down the stairs at a skytrain station. The best part is knowing that pivot point where the bike just angles perfectly so that the wheels never hit the stairs.
[…] can have a look at the full list of comments for much more discussion on this topic, including why we don’t have 3-bike racks on the […]
What happens if someone steals your bike from the bike rack? This was in the news a few months ago – this guy put his bike on the rack, got on the bus and stood near the front. Later some other people got on the bus and the driven insisted the bike owner move to further to the back of the bus (where he couldn’t see the bike rack). When it was his stop he got off and went to the front of the bus to get his bike and discovered it was gone. Has Translink revised it’s policies or is doing anything to prevent this? I believe it is against the rules to lock your bike on the rack.
oops, “driver” rather.
Re: #49 Service: Weekday #49’s are operated out of the Richmond Transit Centre… There may be a few “trippers” out there operated by other depots as well… Burnaby, Vancouver…
Richmond also does some “rush hour” #22, 25, 41, 44 & 99’s as well… AND, the late night N#10 is a Richmond service too…
Weekend #49 Service, including holidays, are operated by the Vancouver Transit Centre…
Well I finally used the bike racks today. Went out to haney by riding the 169 and 701. I was lucky because I was always at the beginning and end of each route that I had a bit of time.
But I felt like a dufus at the very beginning. I was trying to figure out why the rack wouldn’t come down when loading my bike on the 169. Didn’t realize that I had to pull the handle to release the lock. Of course know I find it easy. I have to admit at first I kept watching the bike wondering if it was secure. But quickly got over the fear.
Chris: btw, about your question re: the 257/620. Apparently since we can’t do 3-bike racks, 2-bike racks are all we can do, sadly!
Nikki, Luke, Amy: I have sent along your comments about the stationary bike and discussions are afoot! We’ll see if we can’t do a little roadshow with the bike rack around town or something.
Jim: You’d file a claim with TransLink I think. But typically this is VERY rare, which is perhaps why it made the news. More common is people forgetting their bikes on the bus rack, and the bikes ending up at the lost and found!
New bike racks can be very difficult to use. Older ones were much better. It was much easier use the older racks. Changes are supposed to makes things better not worse.
I thought all the bike racks on the buses are replaced with V2W bike racks, bus P7405 still has the old yellow bike racks and the Community Shuttles still has the old yellow bike racks, why they are not replaced by V2W bike racks?
Greg: I’ve passed your note along for a response, but my contact is out of office until next Monday, Oct 25. Stay tuned for an answer then!
Greg: Here’s the answer from fleet management.
My bike went flying off of the rack of the 214 bus went flying out into the road and the driver had to hit the brakes really hard.Everyone went forward.Bike is damaged.I Think it is because the comumnity shuttle busses suspension is really stiff and caused the retaining spring to release.the driver was good about it. It’s starting to look like translink and ICBC are trying to pass the buck on this.Ithink that if I can getone of the translink bike engineers involved they can look at this issue .That way future mishaps would be avoided Bus # s366, tues May 10 NB Mountain@Crown- Bike was ejecteted by faulty rack/ bus combo just eats of Fern overpass.Driver had to stop very quickly.
Baby was on board.. thankfully not injured.
i was wondering if you have any photos of 8054 before it burned down…
do you have any intact pictures of 8054 before the fire
The new racks are so much harder to use than the old. Why? WHy were they replaced?
Erin: That’s a good question. I’ll look into it for you.
Hi Erin: Jhen actually answered this question previously. Here’s her responce – Do yourself a favour and check out the video she included in that blog post. It’s fantastic!
Thanks for posting!! It’s very useful!