Links and tidbits for Thu Sept 23
September 23, 2010
Links and tidbits for Thu Sept 23
September 23, 2010
A new round of tidbits and links about transportation! If you have any items to suggest, or a photo to showcase on these posts, e-mail me at! I really need good photos. I’m not going to lie.
Again, thanks so much for your patience with my blog pace these days, as there are still those long-term, non-blog projects I’m working on. Le sigh…
- Above is the new promotional video for the Presto Card, the new Ontario transit smartcard. What do you guys think of it?
- Tidbit passed on by eagle eye Tim Choi: he’s noticed older buses are slowly getting their “MW CHK” messages replaced by “NIS”, finally! Older New Flyers with green letters have NIS on the number area both at the front and back, whereas the slightly less old New Flyers with orange letters have NIS only on the back display. (For those wondering: MW CHK stands for “Message Writer Check” and is just a default message on the displays. NIS stands for Not In Service!) Somebody send me a photo if you spot these in the wild.
- Another TransLink tidbit that happened while I was away: we will be moving our head offices to New Westminster in 2013.
- Edit: Oh, and we have put out a request for proposals, seeking a contractor for a business case for an SFU gondola! Here is an article from CTV about it.
- David from Calgary Transit passed along the route animation for Calgary’s new West LRT line, which is currently under construction. All together now: Oooh! Ahh!
- Another Dave has sent along two concepts from his ideas blog for trains: an underwater train, and an amoeba train.
- Super crazy video compiling how some lucky people have narrowly avoided road crash incidents. YIKES!
- Jason Vanderhill passed along two links: Salon points out how rail project work in California has long depended on China, and BoingBoing links to the troubled smartcard implementation in Washington, D.C.
- Discovered on my internet travels: HoDee, MTR’s origami rabbit mascot, who encourages riders to be considerate! Can anyone tell me if HoDee is still a current character, or any more interesting things about him? Some of the HoDee links don’t work so I am concerned he is no longer being used :)
- A British town aims to slow drivers down by planting trees that create an optical illusion.
- The Vancouver edition of spotlights cars parked in our local bicycle lanes.
- Why do trolleys need two wires? Gordon Price explains with an excerpt from a Human Transit post.
- Brandon asks is better transit a money problem? over at his blog, Masters Planning.
- The second Amtrak train between Vancouver and Washington State will be cancelled, as the Canadian Border Services agency has asked for fees of half a million dollars for the customs costs. Here’s a Seattle Times article, a post from Frances Bula, and a post from Transport Action BC.
- This Mass Transit blog post highlights a weird American transit issue: apparently federally funded transit agencies can’t provide shuttle service for large public events, if private carriers are willing to bid on the business? Although there’s been some flip flopping on whether that is still going to be the case.
- BART reports that they are looking at revenue generating ad proposals, to help offset a projected $7.5 billion capital funding deficit over the next 30 years.
- Jarrett Walker posted an item about Lego’s new public transportation kits that have apparently sent the Human Transit pageviews soaring.
- Finally, over at The Source, L.A. Metro’s blog, there’s an interesting series on why people don’t ride transit. Also, they put up a post about how to load your bike on a bus, in reference to my post last week :D
What did you think of this story?
*sigh* The only way to keep cars out of bike lanes is for there to be a physical barrier.
I like the SFU gondola idea, but where’s the money going to come from…
Is there any chance for upgrading any of the Skytrain stations to look something like this? Standing on most of the Expo/Millennium platforms during the cold/dark half of the year can be miserable.
Not quite…. check out this video…. can you identify where the car on the right is travelling in?
Bummer about the NIS messages: I was really holding out for !!! to make a super nerdy album cover.
OH MY GOD!! That car was travelling on the Burrard bike lane. I hope nobody was hurt!
The LA article: Obviously no need for Vancouverites to feel awkward about not knowing how to use a bus bike rack.
Exactly…. physical barriers are ugly, restrict vision and trap vehicles as well. Emergency services don’t like them as well.
They just did an article at news 1130 in which the drivers union claims the new drunk driving laws could make transit unsafe because of drunks, etc… I know that, at least for night buses, that transit officers are around. Discuss.–new-drunk-driving-laws-raise-concerns-about-transit-safety
Thanks for the link!
Sheba: Hmm… I don’t know of any plans to specifically cover the SkyTrain stations as you’ve suggested, but I do know that upgrades to the Expo Line stations will be undertaken as part of the implementation of smartcards and faregates. There’s long been a need to expand some Expo Line stations and provide better amenities, like the recent upgrades to Commercial-Broadway Station. Lots of this does come down to a matter of cost though, as you’ve pointed out in your note about the gondola.
Interesting article. If they have appropriate resources at night the drivers have nothing to worry about.
Anyone who is intrigued by the SFU Gondola proposal should look into a similar system in Portland. A gondola service to the OHSU campus on top of Marquam Hill is operated as part of the public transportation network!
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I noticed today that the newer gray New Flyer buses say “Not in Service” on the back now too.
I am looking forward to the SFU gondola, too, but probably I won’t have a chance to use it before graduation… Also I hope eventually there will be 3 gondola lines to SFU: from Production, from Burquitlam and from Duthie. They will eventually replace all bus service to and from SFU, so people won’t stuck in the mountain.
That would be just a dream for now, because TransLink doesn’t even have money for Evergreen Line!!
I wonder if the distance based fares in 2013 will improve the revenue. Can you do distance base fares on buses too? The price should be like the price on cabs: base fare + $/km.
Some of those bike lane pics are just scary! Some not so much. Most of them show pretty bad offenses.
We should be a little forgiving on some delivery drivers though. They are just doing a job which has tight time restraints and some alley ways in Vancouver are just not suitable for driving larger trucks. Yes, there’s a bike lane and technically it’s for bikes only, but there are times when common sense needs to take over. I wouldn’t want to drive a truck in some of these alley ways. Imagine walking out of your truck and being pricked by a needle, or having to back up and a homeless person walks behind you, or being trapped by senseless car drivers who insist on driving toward you and lay on the horn? The bike lane system (is there even a system?) is poorly designed. Not the fault of delivery drivers or cyclists. A little give and take will be nice :)
Jhenifer: I wasn’t thinking all the Skytrain stations would look that way – most of them I’d be happy if they had glass walls and a roof covering the entire platform, both of which are pretty rare on Expo line. Maybe a design like that could happen for when Main and/or Metrotown stations are upgraded.
I followed your link to Commercial/Broadway upgrades. The site now only shows that station and Surrey Central in the Transit Villages section. What happened to Metrotown and Edmonds? I saw some of the initial planning for Metrotown when it was posted online.
Pretty much the upgrades to Metrotown have been put on hold due to the current financial situation.
But the long term plan is to upgrade Metrotown to the plans you saw online with the 3 over passes and the bus depot being put on the station side. There is also a long term plan to upgrade all the Expo Line stations to 100M from the current 80M so that either 8 Car MKI or a 6 car MKII can run on it.
Of course this is after the Evergreen line and Broadway Line extensions. It might happen with the Surrey extension but we will know more in the future when we get closer to it happening.
Sheba: I’ve passed your note along to see if the Metrotown/Edmonds stuff is online somewhere still. Answers soon!
Thanks for the links and info, Jhenifer.
I especially wanted to know, for quite some time, what “MW CHK” meant, but never felt the need to ask.
I’m glad to read that you’re moving to New Westminster. Regional offices should be geographically central to the region, as long as the costs are equal.
I’m a bit disappointed that certain projects don’t seem to get much attention, while others seem to get all the celebration. Maybe you’re too busy.
Eugene: which projects are you looking for attention on? I can see what info I can dig up for you.
Hey! I noticed the newer buses kind of scroll the “Sorry” and “Not in Service” on the front display instead of the regular flashing back and forth
I hate scrolling. It takes forever waiting for text to come across.
I was thinking about the connecting route between our system, and the Abbotsford system.
Also, just some bus routes that don’t get a lot of ridership [e.g. #364, #388, etc.]. I’m hoping that more attention would fill those buses.
Those are the only things that I can think of, off the top of my head.
Sheba: sorry for the delay! Here’s the response from our planning dept.