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Celebrate Halloween on the SeaBus with the VPSN, Friday October 29, 8pm

Celebrate Halloween on the SeaBus with the VPSN, Friday October 29, 8pm

Pirates of the SeaBus! VPSN pirates good-naturedly took over the SeaBus in 2008. Photo by JMV.

Dress up and join the Vancouver Public Space Network for a ride on the SeaBus, this Friday, October 29!

Every year, the Vancouver Public Space Network (VPSN) takes its followers on transit for a fun Halloween ride. For three years, they’ve been on the SkyTrain, so this year they’re changing things up and taking to the water.

Here’s the details from the VPSN website and blog:

We’ll be riding the boat to North Vancouver, engaging in a little North Van public space take-over, and then returning. You’ll be back in Van between 9:00 and 10:00 (exact schedule still being determined).

Time to get inventive with costumes. Show up in your best Halloween finery. There’s no set theme, so get as naughty or nautical as you like.

Show up at the Seabus Terminal at Waterfront Station at 8:00pm. The Seabus will leave promptly at 8:15.

Some Things to Keep In Mind:

  • The Translink folks have been good to us over the years – let’s keep that fine relationship going! Remember to buy your fare or bring your U-Pass. And if you see a Coast Mountain / Seabus official, be sure to say thanks.
  • Be kind to the Seabus. It’s a fine space for a party, but please remember to pack out whatever you bring with you.
  • Not everyone who will be riding the Seabus with us is there for the party — or at least, they haven’t been forewarned. Help to share the good times. Do not maul, bite, or zombify other passengers unless asked to do so.
  • Remember, this is a public space party, not a kegger at your friends place. All the normal rules of good behaviour apply. We’re also a bit selfish in that regard – as we want to make sure we can continue to offer these parties in the future as well. (You can also lend a hand in this regard: if you see someone doing something stupid, tell ‘em to save it for later.)
  • We are not running an afterparty ourselves, but if you’ve got one that you want us to promote jet us an email. We’ll post links and details here.

Just to be clear, this is not a TransLink-sponsored event, so any event questions should be directed to the VPSN! For more information, they have provided these handy links:

Have a fun and spooky SeaBus ride!


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