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Fun poll results: 74% have not rideshared

Fun poll results: 74% have not rideshared

Last week’s poll asked whether you have ever tried ridesharing!

Neatly enough, 100 readers took the poll. When all was said and done, 74% (74 votes!) said they had never rideshared before, and 26% said they had.

In the comments, Sally was firmly against ridesharing, though not against other travel alternatives:

I’d hate to ride-share. There would always be someone who wasn’t on time and I’m afraid I’d have to kill them as I loathe unpunctuality! Give me the bus anytime!!!

But on the other end of the spectrum, we had TM:

I ride-share all the time. One of my co-workers lives 2 blocks away from me so I just walk to his house in the morning and then we drive to work. On the way home I get a ride from another coworker; I’m his HOV lane access, and he’s my fast ride home (he likes to get home ASAP) so it’s a win-win.

The downside is it makes it hard for me to want to move from my current residence…

And somewhere in the middle, we had Paul C, despite his best efforts:

The closest I’ve ever come is sometimes driving someone home in the past as it was on my way home at previous jobs.

Others most times there never has been anyone who is going the same direction as me at the same time.

And since I cycle now. I’m sure nobody wants to ride my handle bars. :)

I guess you could say I ride share the bus ;)

I also wanted to point out Sungsu’s response, as it highlighted another interesting trip reduction initiative!

No, I telecommute full time.

Why yes, telecommuting, or teleworking, is a great travel-friendly option if your company lets you do it! “The ultimate commute is no commute,” as they say. If you’re interested in it, do check out this teleworking page on the TransLink website, to see how you might get teleworking started at your organization.

Anyway, click here to see all the comments from the previous post. I’ll have a new poll next week about electronic fare cards!


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