Hilarious: Onion joke video about high-speed bus service
November 18, 2010
Hilarious: Onion joke video about high-speed bus service
November 18, 2010
Obama Replaces Costly High-Speed Rail Plan With High-Speed Bus Plan
Oh, this is too funny not to share in its own post. Courtesy of the Onion, everyone’s favourite parody news site, here’s a joke news report about how the U.S.’s high-speed rail service will be replaced with high-speed bus service. The “business class” service is hysterical!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by iSkytrain, Breaking News in Van. Breaking News in Van said: Hilarious: Onion joke video about high-speed bus service http://ff.im/-tZ2op […]
The funny thing is that there are some places in the world where you can actually see something akin to this kind of “rapid bus” service, albeit maybe not hurtling along at 165 mph (265 km/h)!
And check out the cost comparison at 0:45—$2 billion for high-speed rail environmental impact costs, versus $6000 for “trash bags strapped to back of seats.” Maybe certain conventional transit agencies are not thinking outside the box enough (I’m kidding!).
“Get out of the way: the bus of the future is here”!
I wondered what that extra lane, currently under construction on Hwy 99, was for!
At least the buses aren’t travelling at such a high speed… some of the animations shown look completely unrealistic and dangerous (which is their intent of course but still something worth noting).
Loved it. Reminds me of the bus trips on Hwy 99. I also liked the last comment about the US High Speed Internet Plan, which is to ask Canada to remove the password from its high speed internet.
LOVE that this was reposted here! If it wasn’t already here, I was certainly going to send it in! FINALLY the Government is taking bus service seriously! :p And since the retrofit buses only cost as little as $40, those aerodynamic nose cones must be made of paper mache! Long live high speed paper buses! That will surely be the end of the helicopter buses of the future! http://www.plan59.com/av/av145.htm