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Reporting from the Canadian Urban Transit Association 2010 fall conference!

Reporting from the Canadian Urban Transit Association 2010 fall conference!

Just a quick heads up that I’m at the Canadian Urban Transit Association 2010 fall conference this week!

TransLink is hosting the conference at the Westin Bayshore in downtown Vancouver, and there are hundreds of transit professionals from all across Canada in attendance.

I’ll be popping into a few sessions and writing about them this week, plus hopefully a few technical tours! I’m also giving a few presentations on Wednesday about TransLink and its use of social media, so just be aware that I might be less handy to answer your questions on that day. I’ll also hopefully have some notes from those sessions to share.

So just stay tuned and I’ll see what tidbits I can dredge up along the way :) Also, iif you’re interested in similar conference and transit industry coverage, check out my notes from the American Public Transit Association 2010 Rail conference earlier this year.


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