1982 SkyTrain station concept drawings!
1982 SkyTrain station concept drawings!

Our recent foray into SkyTrain history prompted Buzzer pal Jason Vanderhill to seek out more conceptual SkyTrain illustrations… and he’s surfaced with two 1982 illustrated SkyTrain concepts from an German Austrian architecture firm!
For the full story behind the drawings, check out Jason’s post at Vancouver is Awesome, or his two posts over at Illustrated Vancouver (post 1, post 2). Here’s a quick quote of Jason’s I loved about the drawing below though:
I simply love how various Germanic subtleties work their way into this drawing – the two lovely Edelweiss girls, the German Shepherd pursuing the Pomeranian, the brand new Mercedes SEC Coupe, and to draw your attention back to the focal point of the illustration, a little red van in the centre of the page that looks very much like a German fire truck to me! I instantly swooned when I saw the drawing!

And as always, check out the Buzzer blog’s Transit History category for more historical SkyTrain video, photos, and more. Happy 25th, SkyTrain!
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by iSkytrain, Vancouver News. Vancouver News said: 1982 SkyTrain station concept drawings! http://ff.im/-ywQ0S […]
But in a very un-German fashion, said Mercedes has a wheel on the curb!
I got a question, whens transit’s birthday? Also, will there be like free transit for a short period of time during that time?
Ben: Sadly, we don’t have a free transit period planned for the near future—we don’t have any big anniversary plans for transit! I’m also not exactly certain of the exact date of transit’s start in Vancouver: perhaps one of our historical transit buffs will be able to help us out with that date. My earlier post about interurbans indicates that April 26, 1890 was the date that the province authorized two companies to provide railway service, but I don’t know the actual in-service timeline.
Public transit in Vancouver began on June 26, 1890 with the introduction of streetcar service by the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Company. There was a grand total of 6 units of rolling stock and 9.6 km of track. The first streetcar run was up Main Street (then Westminster Ave). The fare was a whopping 5 cents!
The first transit service in British Columbia began 4 months earlier, in Victoria, with streetcar service.
I bet you didn’t even need to look that up, Reva :)
LOL Jhen! You make me smile. But no… I just have some good books handy for reference. I can’t even remember my own name half the time! :)
One of my favourite books is “Transit in British Columbia: The First Hundred Years” by Brian Kelly and Daniel Francis (Harbour Publishing, 1990). A must for transit history buffs. It’s out of print but you can still find good used copies on the internet, also most Metro Vancouver libraries have it. It’s a great reference for this sort of thing and a fun read too.