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Apply to be the Buzzer editor & blogger: I’m on maternity leave as of April 29, 2011!

Apply to be the Buzzer editor & blogger: I’m on maternity leave as of April 29, 2011!

Me, cycling towards a sparkling future!

A pretty big announcement for me today: I’m going on maternity leave starting April 29, 2011!

Yes, I’m expecting a baby in late May, so I’ll be temporarily away from my post as Buzzer editor and blogger for a year.

But that means, of course, we’ll need a replacement to take over the print and online Buzzer work, plus the other online communications advisory work I do for TransLink!

So: if you love the Buzzer, transportation issues, public transit, and you care about the future of our region—and you have extensive experience working in communications, print production and social media—please do apply!

Quite honestly, I think this is an incredible job, and I’d love to see someone take on this opportunity and build the Buzzer and TransLink’s social media work into something even grander than it is today.

Check out the job posting (it’s the one that says “Online Communications Advisor”) and get your application in. The posting closes on March 8, 2011, so make sure you do it soon!

Whoever will be hired will start earlier than April 29 and work with me for a while to get up to speed and learn how things work. And I’ll keep you all posted as we fill the job and move to a new Buzzer editor for 2011-2012 :)

Edit: Someone has mentioned having problems uploading their resume to the website. The web team has told me this is a known issue. Two things to try:
1. Check out the careers page System Requirements and FAQ to see if another browser etc might help.
2. And then if nothing works, email – this is in the last FAQ.


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