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Regional Cycling Strategy

Regional Cycling Strategy

As the planners and managers of the transportation system on the South Coast, TransLink is involved with many modes of transportation. Most people know us as operators of buses (including community shuttles), SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast Express. What many people don’t know about TransLink is that we’re also responsible for AirCare, Intelligent Transportation Systems programs, the Major Road Network and cycling and commuter options.

As the South Coast of British Columbia continues to become more populated, more emphasis is being placed on alternatives to single-person automobiles. TransLink and various stakeholders from across Metro Vancouver have coordinated actions for governments and agencies at all levels, the private sector and community organizations resulting in the Regional Cycling Strategy.

cycling into the sunset
Are we cycling into a future with more people commuting by bicycle?

This plan is aimed at greatly increasing trips by cycling, transit and walking by creating a fully integrated, multi-modal transportation network over the next 30 years. Together with our partners, the strategy aims to make Metro Vancouver known around the world by 2040 as a place where cycling is a reliable and common form of transportation. This aim has two main goals:

Goal 1: More Cycling
More people cycle more often so that, by 2040, 15% of all trips less than 8km are made by bicycle.

Goal 2: Safer Cycling
Cycling feels safer so that, by 2040, 50% of all cycling trips are made by females. Cycling is safer so that, by 2040, 50% fewer people are killed or seriously injured while cycling.

The RCS came about as a result of background studies and three workshops with over 100 stakeholders. The RCS is also tied into the goals of Transport 2040 and the Seville Charter. It will most certainly be a topic of interest at Velo-City 2012, which will be held in Vancouver next year.

So now that the RCS is available for everyone to read, I’m wondering what people think about the aim of the strategy and goals that will get us there. Leave you comments about it. If (as I assume to be true) we’d all like to see more people cycling, walking and taking transit, then constructive comments about how to achieve that can hopefully get us there!


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