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The October 2011 Buzzer and Chanda Stallman: Buzzer illustrator interview

The October 2011 Buzzer and Chanda Stallman: Buzzer illustrator interview

The cover of the October, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Chanda Stallman
The cover of the October, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Chanda Stallman
This month's Buzzer!
This month's Buzzer!

This month is devoted to more sustainable transportation options to single-occupancy private car use. Oh, and the colour is orange to represent the change in season. 

If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, you can always download The Buzzer in .pdf form. We have almost all the editions dating back to 1916!

If you’ve read my post on TransLink achieving gold in sustainability, you’d know that we are the first transit authority in North America to reach this level. I included some interesting graphs to illustrate just how this was achieved.

Carpool Hero is a big initiative for TransLink this month. TravelSmart is offering up some nice prizes for people who tell us why their carpool (a.k.a. ride-share) is worthy of winning. This month’s Buzzer gives tips on how to start a carpool of your own including the website that can find people for you to carpool with and even lend you the vehicle to do so.

Besides a note about holiday hours being in effect for Thanksgiving day, the Back Issues section looks at how sustainability really wasn’t a buzz word in 1952. The cartoon by Dill (I’m doing some research into this bygone Buzzer illustrator) shows a British Columbia Electric Railway Company Ltd. Reddy Kilowatt talking to his Uncle Sam-ish “cousin” bragging that Canadians use more energy than Americans do! Contest Corner, Coming Events and a short blurb on the August Buzzer blog poll round out all the news you can use in this month’s Buzzer. Now for the cover.

The illustrator this month is Chanda Stallman. She did a great job incorporating Carpool Hero and sustainability into a fun and playful look. I asked Chanda a few questions about herself and her work, and here’s what she had to say:

Tell us about yourself and your art.
I am an designer and artist living in Vancouver. When I’m not doing computer stuff, I draw, collage and make handmade sketchbooks.

What was your inspiration for this illustration?
My inspiration was living in Vancouver in October. It’s beautiful and a lot of fun with Halloween!
Is autumn your favorite month?
It is actually. I love the change in the colours. I get inspired to make new projects to take me through winter.
Are you a transit user?
I am! I mostly take the bus, but with the Canada Line, I find I take the SkyTrain more often now. It’s fast!
Do you wear a cape when you ride a bike?
I haven’t yet… but who knows, I may have to change that.

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