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I Love Transit 2012: wow, what a night!

I Love Transit 2012: wow, what a night!

A vintage bus full of I Love Transit fans!

Wow! What a great time at I Love Transit Night 2012 yesterday!

A whopping 147 people turned out to share the evening with us at Bonsor Recreation Complex — as well as our pals JJ, JD, and JKD from our TransLink Twitter service!

What happened? Well, there was colouring, cutout folding, and many many transit games. We saw people racing to board a TRAMS vintage bus, scrabbling to name as many SkyTrain stations as possible in one minute, and playing a devilish game of transit trivia. And at the end of the night, the SkyTrain team emerged victorious over the Buses!

But we can’t do it justice in words. Check out more photos of the event below! (Click each image to get a larger version.)

Thanks again to everyone who came out — we can’t wait to do this again next year!

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