Update on the TaxiSaver program
Update on the TaxiSaver program

Newshounds would know that our TaxiSaver program has been mentioned in the media of late. The program benefits people with permanent physical or cognitive disabilities, who can apply to be HandyCard holders and get concession fares on the conventional transit system, have the ability to bring an attendant with them on transit for free, or purchase TaxiSaver coupons to receive a 50-per-cent subsidy (up to $50 per month) for a taxi cab ride to their destination.
The TaxiSaver program will be maintained
In May of this year, TransLink moved to eliminate the TaxiSaver program. The decision was made so that the $1.1 million cost of the program could be reallocated to services for HandyDART customers in order to enhance that service and serve more people who are unable to ride our conventional system.
Over the past two months, TransLink has learned from users of the TaxiSaver program that it is a valuable service to those in need, and is integral to making the transit system accessible for them. This feedback resulted in the TransLink Board of Director’s decision to put the program on hold as of June 13, 2012 so that we could listen to more feedback about the service.
Today, the TransLink Board of Directors has decided to maintain the TaxiSaver program. The details of the decision are in this press release.
What’s next
The TaxiSaver program will continue in its current form moving forward. We’ll be continuing to take a closer look at custom transit services in the future. This will include trying to find better ways for seniors and people with disabilities to get around and to continuing to listening to stakeholders and the Users’ Advisory Committee on their ideas so that we can continue to provide reliable, valuable service for all customers.
What did you think of this story?
I’m very happy to hear this. My family has had to use this service on occasion after I moved out.
My uncle has CP and we have a van that we use that allows him to access to doctor’s appointments and other community activities. Since leaving, my father is the only other one who can drive it and even then, he is often away on work. My mother does not have a licence.
This service is very valuable to many people, not the least of which is my family. Thanks for keeping it available.