Hey readers! Send us your community events with our new forms.
Listing community events in the Buzzer newsletter goes back almost to the beginning of the Buzzer itself.
Possibly the first community event printed in the May 12th, 1922 Buzzer newsletter.
Now that the publication is nearly 100 years old, it’s time to modernize how we collect events so that we can make sure we capture as many as possible as accurately as possible.
To date, people have sent their content for the community events section to the Buzzer email account. However, combing through each submission for all the content we needed proved time consuming. That’s why we’ve come up with this handy dandy electronic event submission form! Here’s a little info about it.
Community events section of the August 3, 2012 Buzzer.
Buzzer ads are free! 60,000 issues are distributed monthly on all transit vehicles.
Please submit your ad at least 10 days before your desired publication date in order to be considered. Publication dates are listed in the form below.
We can’t publish every event, due to limited space. Sorry!
We try to publish different events in each issue, to share the wealth.
Your ad may be rewritten to fit space.
We receive a lot of ads, so we might not contact you about whether your ad was printed.
Please don’t email us your ads. Use the form below!
We’d love to have a larger variety of content in the community events section. So, if you know of an event that you think fellow riders would appreciate reading about, please, let us know by filling out the form!