Reminder: new fare evasion penalties go into effect today, September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012
Reminder: new fare evasion penalties go into effect today, September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012

Reminder: the new penalties for fare evasion take effect today, September 4, 2012!
So please do take a minute and make sure you’ve got your pass on you now, so you’re covered when you enter a proof of payment zone on transit. Thanks to everyone who has paid their fare already through a FareCard or other pre-purchased tickets!
For more info on the changes, check out our new fare evasion penalties post on the blog last week, or check the website at
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Some of you probably feel that you are being cheated because you pay your fares. In reality, you probably cheat once in a while. After all, “it’s just this once” and “nobody’s going to know” and “everybody’s doing it”.
However, it seems that the majority of people are honest most the time.
Perhaps the majority of people are cheaters, but most of the time, these cheaters do the right thing. Don’t let the actions of others determine what you do. Be part of the minority that always does the right thing, when nobody is watching.
:^) If you ever wanted a politically correct time to look down on people, then this is it. Be part of the minority, and walk with your nose in the air. :^D