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The TransLink website is getting updated on October 9, 2012

The TransLink website is getting updated on October 9, 2012

You'll see a different looking come October 9, 2012!

TransLink’s tireless web team is always looking for new ways of helping you find the information you’re looking for. Unlike most transportation authorities in North America, TransLink is not just responsible for transit. We’re also responsible for roads, bridges, AirCare, cycling and pedestrian initiatives. As a result, we have to constantly revisit how we’re presenting that information, and how everything fits together on the site.

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, the sitemap and menu structure will change. Because of this, some Buzzer blog links, bookmarks and links to our website from other sites might break.

If you’re having trouble finding a page or updating your bookmarks after October 9, use the Search feature located in the top right corner of the page. The default search is for webpages, but once you get results, you can filter that down to documents, or even items on the Buzzer blog and Twitter.

We’re told the new menus and sitemap will make finding the information you’re looking for faster and easier! (Note: the web team didn’t just make these changes arbitrarily. They conducted card sorting activities and other market research to determine what changes to make and where to make those changes.)

Some of the upcoming changes include a global navigation bar. This includes changes to section like “Be Part of the Plan” to “Plans and Projects”, as well as combining all non-transit related information into one section called “Getting Around” (instead of a section each for Cycling and Driving). There will also be mega menus which will allow for second and third-level pages to be better seen. Check out this link for more info on the changes.

It may take a little getting used to, and Jhen and I will be spending some time updating links, but in the end, we’re excited about this new look and improved functionality!

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