True or false: TransLink can afford to provide all the transit service that people want

True or false: TransLink can afford to provide all the transit service that people want

Help us plan the future of transit in the region!

For this fourth poll regarding the draft 2013 Base Plan, we’re asking a very sobering but important question. True or false: TransLink can afford to provide all the transit service that people want?

As many of you know, we’re going through some significant financial challenges these days. If the Mayors’ Council asks TransLink to remove the previously-approved temporary property tax, then they could ask TransLink to prepare a Supplemental Plan that would account for this lack of funding. The draft 2013 Base Plan depends on the funds produced by the temporary property tax. If the property tax is removed, then we may have to reduce the amount we planned on spending on transit in the future.

We’ll post the video answer to this poll question this afternoon. Remember, you can find all the info you need on the plan here or on the blog.

True or false: TransLink can afford to provide all the transit service that people want.

  • False (85%, 22 Votes)
  • True (15%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 26



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