Introducing some new and return editors to the blog
Introducing some new and return editors to the blog

It’s always greatly appreciated when your colleagues lend a helping hand. At TransLink, we have some great colleagues who you’re going to hear more of on the blog in the near future. Communicating with our riders is a constant job and one that we want to do well. Part of our commitment to always trying to improve how we communicate is having Jhen work on a special project for roughly six months or so. That project is our regional transportation strategy for 2045. It’s a big job and one that determines our priorities for the region well into the future. It demands a full-time communicator, and Jhen is taking it on with gusto!
While Jhen is focused on this new project, I’ve been asked to help out with more communications planning for TransLink. With Jhen being seconded from the blog for this short time, I’ll be the main editor of the blog. However, with more of my time being devoted to non-blog matters, I want to make sure we continue to have regular content on the blog and answers to your questions. This is why we’ve asked our ever-talented colleagues to help us out. Here’s our star Buzzer blog lineup!:

Tina Robinson – Regulars to the blog will remember Tina’s introduction to the blog last December. They’ll also remember her post about Bus Driver Appreciation Day (she’ll be blogging about this year’s event as well), and more recently, her contribution to the Managing the Transit Network series and the UBC community shuttle consultation and others content. Tina is a big fan of the blog and is more than excited to be contributing.
Pamela Findling – You may have noticed that Pamela has already contributed to the blog. Pamela joined us in April of this year, and she’s turned out to be a jack-of-all communicating trades. Pamela’s a great writer, and I’m sure you’ll love to read her posts.
Stefanie Lee – I asked Stefanie to introduce herself. She’s going to be great addition to the blog! “New to the Buzzer Blog scene, I have transit know-how from working at Coast Mountain Bus Company, and blogging experience from Canadian non-profit You can read my tweets on @TransLink and @TransLinkMedia, and soon you’ll read my blog posts here!”
As always, we love to hear your feedback and ideas for the blog. We have some fun things planned for the holiday season which our Buzzer blog team is already working on. Stay tuned!!!
I am glad to see that TransLink continues to view communication as a critical part of their responsibility.
Anyone catch the tyee article talking about RT along Broadway?
I’d love to get one of your guys’ rebuttal
Hi Phil: sadly we don’t have a full response yet. The UBC Line rapid transit study will be completed in early 2013 and then we’ll be more able to talk technical detail. More here: and there’s some comments on that post that discuss the cost estimates for LRT, which you might find helpful.
Phil: You might also find this post over at Stephen Rees’s blog interesting, which digs into the cost of LRT and debates the Tyee numbers.
Thanks for the link Jhenifer, I enjoyed the read!
Here’s another one of those random links I came across and don’t have anywhere current on here to post it: Kickstarter “Frankencar” combines solar panels with bike pedals
Thanks Sheba! Will add to the next links and tidbits.
Jhen: I don’t know if you can do a check of my posts easily, as I’ve posted a few other links since the last ‘links and tidbits’ post
Hi Sheba: I did a search in the blogs back end and found a couple of links from your comments recently. The two most recent ones where about“Big city mayors pledge to match federal infrastructure cash” and the Atlantic article on free transit. Please send any we’ve missed to and we’ll put what we can in the next Links and Tidbits. Oh, and thanks so much for sharing these. They’re great!
There was another one that I don’t think made it into links and tidbits. I still have the link as I mentioned it to my family and they were interested in reading it: “Netherlands highways will glow in the dark starting in mid-2013”
Sheba: I love that story and it’s in the cue for the next Links and Tidbits ;)
[…] Robert and Tina Robinson, another of our Buzzer contributors, will be filling in from time to time when Derek Zabel, TransLink’s regular CTV Live […]