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Ask TransLink: our roads engineer Q&A helps move a sign, talks BC Parkway upgrades, and more

Ask TransLink: our roads engineer Q&A helps move a sign, talks BC Parkway upgrades, and more


From April 15 to May 10, you can Ask TransLink! We’re spotlighting one TransLink staff member every week and inviting you to ask them questions about their work. Find out all about the series.

Peggy Gibbs, TransLink roads engineer!
Peggy Gibbs, TransLink roads engineer!

Roads engineer Peggy Gibbs will be wrapping up her Q&A on the blog at noon today, Friday April 19, 2013 – but just before she goes, here’s some of the highlights from her discussion this week!

We moved a sign blocking a cycling path in Richmond

Caption and photo from Voony’s blog: Sign on Knight bridge, at Mitchell Island interchange, resting in the middle of the pathway, also advertised as a bike lane.

Voony wrote in asking whether this construction sign on Mitchell Island belonged to us, as it was blocking the bike path he uses.

Peggy looked into it, and it got removed! Here’s what she wrote:

The temporary sign appears to be from the City of Richmond’s contractor, and we contacted the City to direct their contractor to relocate it out of the paved path. The sign has now been removed by the City’s contractor.

Talked about upgrades coming for the BC Parkway

Sheba asked about the BC Parkway upgrades and Peggy was able to clarify how things are going, and TransLink participation in cycling infrastructure around the region.

Hi Sheba. Let me take your concerns one at a time.

Regarding the BC Parkway upgrades: TransLink is currently working on those upgrades, based on conceptual designs from the 2009 report you mentioned, now supplemented with detailed designs completed in the last year. The upgrades are expected to start later this year.

Second, regarding TransLink funding for cycling infrastructure: The BC Parkway upgrades are being funded through our dedicated bicycle funding programs (the TransLink-Owned Bicycle Infrastructure program, and the Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Sharing Regional Needs programs), which allocate $2 million every year to bicycle infrastructure. Separate from these programs, each year TransLink funds bike and roads projects on a cost-sharing basis with municipalities. The proportion of these funds that go for bicycle infrastructure varies each year depending on where municipalities direct the funds. This year, about $5M is going for bike projects.

Third, regarding cycling on the BC Parkway: while there are dual paved and gravel pathways along much of the BC Parkway, neither pathway is assigned to a specific user. Please keep in mind that many pedestrians need to walk on the paved pathway, especially pedestrians with mobility limitations, pedestrians pushing strollers, and skaters. We encourage all users – cyclists and pedestrians alike — to be respectful of each other when using the BC Parkway.

Lastly, regarding on-road separated bicycle lanes: On-street cycling facilities are planned, designed and implemented by the agency that owns the road, usually the municipality or province. Our role is to support, through the funding programs I mentioned above, municipalities’ efforts to upgrade their bicycle infrastructure. Where those municipal efforts include on-road separated bike lanes, TransLink might be a supporting partner. For example, TransLink is a funding partner for Vancouver’s Comox-Helmcken Bikeway, which includes a two-way separated bike lane (

Answered questions about the speed on streets approaching the Golden Ears Bridge

When she answered questions on Facebook, Peggy answered a question about speed limits on the streets approaching the Golden Ears Bridge. Here it is:


There’s still time to ask… submit your questions by noon today!

As mentioned, Peggy is still taking questions until noon today, Friday April 19, 2013—so feel free to send her your questions and we’ll get you some answers!

And next week, look out—we will have bus operator Brian Revel here to answer your questions for a week! Join us on Monday to send in your questions for him!


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