The April 2013 Buzzer is now on the system

The April 2013 Buzzer is now on the system

Whoop, whoop! The latest issue of the Buzzer newsletter is now on the system.

The theme this month is, Ask TransLink. Starting next week on the blog and extending until May 10 we’ll be on our Facebook page and Reddit asking riders to join us to ask a TransLink staff member questions. We’ll be showcasing a roads engineer, a bus operator, a transit planner and members of our Twitter team. It’s going to be fun and informative, so, make sure you get your questions answered direct from the horses mouth!

This being April, much of the issue was devoted to April service changes. Make sure you check out for a comprehensive list of all the changes.

We also included info from our 2012 Year-end Financial and Performance Report in the issue. We’re extremely happy to say that we set a record breaking overall customer service rating for 2012 was 7.7 out of 10! Also of note is that we came under budget by $45 million, we increased our ridership by two per cent over 2011 by providing 363 million rides in 2012, and that crime against people on the transit system was 8.75 per cent lower in 2012 than the previous five-year average!

The usual suspects included Contest Corner, Back Issues and Coming Events are also in the issue.

So, make sure you pick one up on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus or  West Coast Express or download it. Enjoy your read!

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