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Share your thoughts on the future of transportation in the region

Share your thoughts on the future of transportation in the region


2045 Employment & Population Projection map - from the regional and economic growth backgrounder document of the Regional Transportation Strategy
2045 Employment & Population Projection map – from the regional and economic growth backgrounder document of the related documents section of the Regional Transportation Strategy

Post by TransLink communications advisor Borjana Slipicevic

TransLink is updating Transport 2040, with the current Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) and we are looking for your feedback.

By 2045, Metro Vancouver is expected to welcome one million additional residents, adding 500,000 jobs and three million more passenger trips every day. We can’t have all of those people travelling the same way we do today and keep our quality of life. Improving our system in a way that protects our health, economy, environment and our future is more important than ever.

To ensure that we can achieve all that our region aspires to and within the resources available, we need to start rethinking transportation. We are proposing an approach where we make the most of existing investments, and plan new ones around more walking, cycling and transit.

At the same time, we need to provide more management measures, such as better information, regulation and pricing so people have the tools to make different travel choices. We are also committed to working closely with local governments to encourage community plans that locate jobs, housing and services closer to the frequent transit network.

How to get involved?

We have started a dialogue on this proposed approach and would like to hear from you. Please go to, to learn more and read the Draft Strategic Framework for Consultation. Between now and July 8, 2013 you can share your perspectives via an online questionnaire.

Your input is important to us, and will help us finalize the strategic framework and develop an implementation strategy that includes investment options for the future. This is just the beginning. We will continue this conversation in the fall of 2013.



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