Farewell, dear friends: Jhen’s leaving TransLink
Farewell, dear friends: Jhen’s leaving TransLink

I’ve got some big news to share with you today—I’ll be leaving the Buzzer and TransLink as of Friday, August 9, 2013!
I’m off to join the City of Vancouver, helping manage the City’s social media program as their new Social Media Coordinator. It’s a huge new role and I’m very excited to join their team.
But after five years with TransLink, it’s definitely not an easy change.
I’m so proud to be the Buzzer blog’s founding editor, and so proud I shared stories from the Olympics, from our control centres and garages, from transit conferences near and far, through podcasts, video, and more. And I’m so proud this work has earned TransLink real recognition from Mass Transit Magazine, and APTA in 2010 and 2012.
Most of all, I’ve loved getting to know the intelligent, committed, and wonderful customers we serve, and it’s an understatement to say I will sorely miss every one of you. It has been a true privilege to be a part of your lives for so long.
It’s a wonderful comfort, though, to leave you in the capable hands of Robert, as the main editor, and Borjana, Jiana, Angela, Tina, Pamela, and Stefanie as contributors–the wonderful new Buzzer crew who have joined me in the past little while. They’re all brilliant folks, and will continue to do great things at TransLink for years to come!
Again, my last day is August 9, so I’ll get to say goodbye to everyone during I Love Transit Week, which I’m so happy to have created back in 2009 :) If you’d like to stay in touch, you can find me at my personal website, pabillano.com, or @jpabillano on Twitter.
Goodbye, everyone, and thank you for everything! I’ll miss you all, but I won’t be too far away.
What did you think of this story?
I must say that I’m very surprised by this. However, I’m very happy for you. I’m saddened by this.
I gave you a hard time, I think, but I was hoping that things would get better. Maybe I’m in a dream world. Yep, I think so.
Now that you mention all the things that you have done, I am actually very impressed. I doubt that I would be able to do a quarter of it.
Good Luck Jhen. This blog has been great at getting a better understanding of Translink.
Congratulations Jhen!
TransLink’s loss is the City of Vancouver’s gain.
Good luck Jhen.
Best of luck in your new job!
Wow big news! You’re the best, Jhen! The City is VERY smart to have hired you – best wishes for you in your new gig! Michael
Aw, you guys! You really are the best. Thanks so much for the kind words. I really will miss you!
Aw, we’ll miss you! You have done an amazing job here. I am in awe of what you have built. Congratulations on your new position! As Derek said, Translink’s loss is the CoV’s gain. Thanks for all your hard work in putting together great content and tirelessly working to answer all our transit questions — and doing all that with a smile on your face. Congratulations again and best wishes! :)
You did a great job setting up this blog, and bringing the Buzzer into the 21st century. And thanks for uploading all those old back issues of the Buzzer (http://www.translink.ca/en/Rider-Guide/Print-Buzzer.aspx).
You’ll be missed. Best wishes at your new job!