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I Love Transit 2013: Say hi on the bus today!

I Love Transit 2013: Say hi on the bus today!

I Love Transit 2013It’s I Love Transit Week. And what better way to say you love transit than to say hi to a bus operator! Bus operator, Brian Revel, sent us this short post. 

Come join us, even for a few minutes, to connect with your fellow travelers while we make our way between Stanley Park and Metrotown.

Photo of bus operator Brian Revel
Say hi to Brian and your fellow riders on transit today!

So many people live lonely lives in Metro Vancouver, but it might surprise them to know that wearing ear buds shuts so much of this great world, and some amazing people, out.

Take a moment to say Hi to the person beside you. It might just be a brief encounter or a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

You’ll find us on the #19 from 12:45 until 8:15pm. You’ll also find us at


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