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Day #15 of Compass Beta testing

Day #15 of Compass Beta testing

Compass_Beta_Test_Blog_Banner_Sep_2013Number of taps to-date: over 430,000

A few testers from our testing last week.
A few testers from our testing last week.

Average taps per card per day: 3

Any guesses which bus routes have been getting the most taps during Beta testing? Yep, the 99 B-Line and the 25 UBC routes have testers tap, tap, tapping away!

All this tapping has led to many students asking me if they’ll still be able to load at the back doors on the 99 B-Line bus. The answer? You betcha—but don’t forget to tap.

The validators on the buses enable you to either tap in or out, so multi-door loading will still be allowed on the same buses that allow it today. And, to make it easier, we have multiple validators on the buses—in some cases up to five on a single bus!

By tapping in and out every time you enter and exit the system, you’ll not only ensure you’re paying the right amount, you’ll let us know how many people use the system and when. That’s valuable information we can use down the road where possible. Our planning team can use this data to help inform future service decisions to make the system better for you, our valuable customers. So don’t forget to tap in and tap out!

Compass Fact: No personal information is encoded onto your card. The electronic chip on your Compass Card will only carry a unique card number and the fare product or value stored on the card.



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