BC Parkway improvements
BC Parkway improvements

I’ve got some great news to tell you. We’re making some improvements to the BC Parkway! Yes, the 26-kilometre, multi-use path that parallels the Expo SkyTrain Line (most of the time), connecting Surrey City Centre, New Westminster, South Burnaby and Vancouver is getting some needed improvements.
As noted in our interview with Peggy Gibbs, the parkway hasn’t seen any repaving since it opened 27 years ago.
TransLink is responsible for the portion of the parkway approximately between Nanaimo SkyTrain Station in Vancouver to the New Westminster SkyTrain Station (roughly 12 km). These improvements include repaving of three areas (see map above or click here for .pdf). During this time, these portions in red will be closed. Signage is posted around construction areas providing alternative routes for pedestrians and cyclists.
It’s exciting news that we’re going to be starting construction soon since improvements have been in the works for a short while. The repaving is weather permitting, so we hope to have the work done as soon as possible.
With more people and services moving near the parkway and SkyTrain stations, these improvements are important for commuters and to move towards the region’s targets of having more people cycling in the region.
If you’re a parkway user, we’d love to know your thoughts on these improvements. We’ve been working with municipal partners like the City of Burnaby, New Westminster, Surrey and Vancouver on more repaving and other changes to the parkway in the future.
Nicely done, looking forward to using it!
Uhm “improvements have been in the works for a short while”??? I was at the BC Parkway Stakeholders Meetings – in 2008. The design was all ready to go in 2009.
It’s good that some of the spots with tree roots coming up through the paving are getting attention. Maybe next year the section from Nelson & Imperial down to New West station (and joining it up with the Central Valley Greeenway) will finally get done. There aren’t any Skytrain stations getting major work that could affect the bike path in that section.
I’m very glad to see that the Parkway is finally getting some attention – it’s long overdue. I hope that this is the first stage in a more extensive rehabilitation program, because the indicated sections aren’t the only ones in pretty serious need of repair.
Any chance that the lights installed at Boundary will be activated? It’s a dangerous street to cross: drivers are going so fast, and often don’t stop. The lights have been installed for a year!
PS: the crossing at Nanaimo desperately needs green paint. Drivers stopped blocking the intersection is a daily event.
Sigh. I”m thinking of the Central Valley Greenway. But it still needs those upgrades!
So glad this is happening! I feel like I’m getting a concussion from riding over the chewed-up pavement along the BC Parkway (damn tree roots…). Many cyclists use the road instead of the parkway because it’s so rough, at some points the root-bumps are near 6 inches high.
Hi Sheba and Sean: Yes, there are a lot of stakeholders at play here and as usual improvements have to lineup with with funding. So, sometimes planes are made and have to be shelved for a while until the timing is right. We do have plans for more renovations in the future, but they too will need to lineup with funding.
Matt: I know that there are some paving improvements we’d like to make in the future.
I back up what I said above. There’s a line in the budget but it’s for “roads, bridges and bicycles” and cycling always seems to be pushed back. After all it’s been 27 years that the BC Parkway has been around, and how much work has been done to it in that time…
Hi AJ: I looked into signal at Boundary and it’s a municipal matter not a TransLink one.
I’m very happy to see some much needed attention being paid to the BC Parkway. I ride the route behind MetroTown 5 days a week. I wonder if the opportunity will be taken to mark the pathway to divide between cycle traffic and foot traffic in conjunction with the re-paving? I have seen many conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians over the years and markings would definitely help to ease some of the confusion.
All I can say is “About Time!!”
The condition of the BC Parkway trail has been getting worse and worse over the years – I think half the issue has been around jurisdiction. I don’t think anyone really knew who was responsible for maintenance. I’m glad that it is now sorted out, at least for that section.
[…] in late October, we shared the news that the BC Parkway was to undergo some much needed improvements, since its opening 27 years […]