Got questions? Ask away at
Got questions? Ask away at
Exciting news! Starting earlier this week, we have a convenient new way for you to get answers to your Compass questions:
We know you’ve got questions about Compass and we wanted to have an easy way for you to get detailed answers. is just the ticket! is part of our comprehensive Compass education and awareness program to help you understand how to use the system. The site has an automatic smart-search function, meaning answers to some questions will be instantaneous; if someone’s already asked your question, you can instantly see our answer. If not, you can submit it and we’ll post the answer as soon as we can.
The site will work similar to a wiki, meaning the amount of knowledge and information on the site will grow. The more questions you ask, the better will get. Over time, together, we’ll create an enriched site that you can access regularly to get answers and find out more about Compass.
We’ll be jazzing it up too–instead of just answering with text all the time, we’ll also use visual aids like videos, pictures and infographics to help explain things better when it makes sense.
Of course, we’ll keep answering questions through all our usual channels like this blog, Twitter, Facebook, emails and over the phone, but just gives us another tool to keep you informed.
Check it out and let us know what you think!
Not quite yet ready for prime time!
“The layout for the requested document
was not found.”
[…] besides the Buzzer of course, for answering all of your Compass Card questions. Read all about it here and by using it […]
@Tone1point1 – Actually the website is up and running; the blog just messed up the link. Just type the URL into your address bar.
The link above – – doesn’t work.
But if you try – – then it loads fine.
Wish there was a way to ask a follow up question to an existing answer.
On an unrelated note, sadly, the site doesn’t really resemble a wiki as was suggested in the blog post.
Thanks all! I’ve updated the link (sorry about that!). If you’re still having problems, please let me know.
@Dennis: That’s good feedback, thanks! I’ll let our web team know. When we said it’s like a wiki, we meant that it’ll continue to grow over time as we get input from customers. You’re right–it doesn’t look at all like a wiki!
@ Translink
I’m saddened that you have so much money to spend on purchasing domains, creating videos, and whatever else you want.
Yet, when it comes to transit, you seem to be “wise” decision makers, who always focus on return of investment.
Here’s a question that no one at TransLink seems willing to answer: there are all these references to Stored Value providing a discount of “up to” 14% off cash fares.
When and how do you get the 14% discount and when is it less than 14%?
Kudos to the designer of this website. Very attractive and engaging!
@Michael Taylor-Noonan: sorry to disagree.
Worst … website …. EVER !!!
Thanks All!
@Joey: The amount of the discount depends on how many zones you travel and if you have an adult or concession card. The maximum discount is available if you travel three zones on an adult card–you’ll get the full 14% off. The cost of other trips works out to be different percentages. Vancity Buzz did a really good job of laying it all out:
@Eugene: Public education is an important part of Compass. It’s critical that as we transition to Compass, customers know when and how to get and use their cards and what the benefits are. And, some things are best explained through visual mediums such as videos. Wherever possible, we also try to make things like videos multi-purpose so we can get more mileage out of them.
Want to know when compass card can be issued.