Winter service changes begin December 16, 2013
December 2, 2013
|By Angela Salehi
Winter service changes begin December 16, 2013
December 2, 2013
|By Angela Salehi

It’s that time of year again – drum roll please! <<drrruummrroolll>> . Winter service changes come into effect on December 16! For more information, check out the upcoming print Buzzer and Transit Service Changes. Check your route before you go!
For the very latest on transit service conditions be sure to check out @translink or call 604-953-3333.
Author: Angela Salehi
What did you think of this story?
@ Translink
Not surprisingly, I would like to thank Translink for the Surrey changes. None of them affect me, but still.
Thanks for the kudos Eugene!
Whoa, those Brentwood Mall changes are confusing! I hope there’s lots of signs posted so people aren’t confused, especially if you’re coming off the train headed for a bus.
Hi Joe, Signage at the Brentwood Exchange and the SkyTrain station will be put up over the coming days. You’ll probably notice some signs on your commute today. Keep us posted on your experience!
1) The Community Shuttles will not have enough capacity (24 max?) for Lynn Canyon Park users during busier months, although I guess you might/have to switch to a conventional bus during those months.
2)Inconvenient for tourists to transfer buses to get to the park.
3)I thought the change would involve the 229 keeping its originally “loop” along Ross Road to cover southbound service on Lynn Valley Road from Peters to Mountain Hwy. That way, the direct service to the park from Lonsdale Quay can also be maintained; the “227 Phibbs Exchange” would take care of northbound service on Lynn Valley Road by taking the current route of the “229 Phibbs Exchange” from Lynn Valley at Mountain Hwy. On the way back from Phibbs Exchange, “227 Lynn Valley” could take “Hoskins, Ross, Mountain Hwy, 27th, Lynn Valley”. The drawback of this is that customers going from Phibbs Exchange to the stops between Ross Road and Allan Road have that portion cut out. But most users of the current 229 route alight the bus before that intersection.
However, I guess the benefit to this change is that you’ve added additional service to “Lonsdale” along 27th Avenue which has tons of new residential developments. Before the changes, they would have to walk up pass the mall to take the 229.
4) It will be important to add a “229 Lonsdale Quay” bus stop somewhere (maybe on 29th Avenue at Lynn Valley?) near the current stop outside McDonalds. There are many people who board the bus at that stop. Not sure where the timing point of the bus will be, but if it is still at Lynn Valley at Mountain Hwy, passengers going to Lonsdale Quay can’t just board the “229 Lynn Valley” bus at “northbound” Lynn Valley at 29th Avenue and wait for it to change to “229 Lonsdale Quay” because they will wait a long time at the timing point. Better would be to add a stop on 29th Avenue northbound close to the Lynn Valley intersection.
5) If there are no additional bus stops planned, I’m curious why the “229 Lonsdale Quay” doesn’t go straight up 27th Avenue (changes to Fromme Road), then turn left on 29th Avenue. Saves a unnecessary detour. I’m guessing you want to service the current bus stop on northbound Lynn Valley at Fromme Road, although that bus stop is still too far from the mall!
6) A benefit, no more waiting at Phibbs Exchange for a long time because buses are delayed along other portions of the route such as Lonsdale. The 227 really should ALWAYS be on time because that portion of the route is pretty good for traffic, EXCEPT when the Second Narrows is backed up, and then its just chaos everywhere anyways.
Hi J! Thank you for all your thoughtful input. I will share it with our folks in service planning. Stay tuned for opportunities to participate in public consultation as part of TransLink’s ongoing service optimization program.
Seems like some changes aren’t mentioned here, such as the #555 will be running every 9min during peak instead of 10min, or the big schedule change for #407 including one additional trip. Even the extension of one #335 round-trip to Newton is missing from the list.
Hi S, TransLink makes adjustments to schedules four times a year to improve efficiency and reliability of the sytem. While only services with major changes to frequency or route are highlighted on the services change page, it is a good idea to check your bus schedule during service changes for any adjustments. Sorry for any confusion!
Great to see that #188 bus would be running between Coquitlam station and Port Coquitlam station. By why scheduled so that the bus would arrive at Port Coquitlam station just as the West Coast Express train departs? Would be ideal if the bus arrives five to ten minutes before WCE train departure.
Oops, there seems to be a glitch. Updated scheduling information will be coming – thank you for your patience, Vincent!
The 159 map is still the September routing. Can u put up the modified routing please? And can u add a 169 trip from Coquitlam Station on Weekdays at around 5:50am? The 6am is always standing room only.
Is the 106 running 7-8 minutes in both directions now? More buses aren’t really the issue on this route, it’s reliability. (Seeing 3 buses in a row isn’t uncommon). A great way to improve reliability (esp during peak hours is taking the route off Columbia St and moving it onto Carnarvon (half a block) and putting a stop on Carnarvon just before 6th St.
And THANK YOU FOR PUTTING THE C38 ON A MORE RELIABLE AND DIRECT ROUTING to Coquitlam Station. Only 1 set of tracks to cross (a spur line) instead of 2 (a main line).
Hi Adam, Your input on the 169 and 106 is much appreciated! The map for the 159 and all routes will be updated on December 16. Having the current map right away would be ideal – we will try to have that in place going forward. So glad to hear that you are pleased with the changes to the C38 – I’ll share that and your comments on the 169 and 106 with our hard working planning folks.