Service Optimization – 2014 Report is now available
Service Optimization – 2014 Report is now available

Hey Buzzer readers, are you on transit right now? As you travel to your destination or think about travelling to your destination, ponder this: How can transit service continue to improve and better meet customer demand with the resources available?
Many transit authorities across North America, including Toronto, San Francisco, Memphis, and Nashville, are exploring ways to answer this challenge. Here at home, we continue to explore innovative ways to provide more service with the available resources. Since 2010, service optimization has played an important role in increasing the productivity of TransLink’s existing bus network. To date, more than 292,000 hours, or 6 per cent of total bus service hours in the region have been reallocated.
Back in February we told you about changes being proposed for routes in Burnaby, Delta, North Vancouver and Richmond as part of the 2014 Service Optimization Program. We listened and gathered your input on six proposed changes. Based on your feedback and further technical analysis, TransLink will proceed with changes to the C15, C96, 116, 404 and 606/608 routes. TransLink will defer implementation of the proposed changes to the 49 while we continue to study alternative designs to better meet community needs.
The full report is now available.
Thank you again, to everyone who participated!
Author: Angela Salehi
Why exactly are the public asked about their opinions about this? Of the 6 proposed route changes, 3 had more opposition than support and yet they were implemented. Of the remainder, 1 was mostly neutral and another was mostly positive and both were implemented. The last 1 has been deferred as “293 opposed”.
In the comments it says “some concern in select communities” – really? Because there weren’t hundreds of responses, the fact that at least 3/4 of the responses were opposed means nothing?
Hi Sheba – Thanks for your comment. I hear your concern, so I’d like to clarify that the feedback received throughout the consultation period in February has been invaluable to our service planning process. There were a number of suggestions from the community that we considered and had to balance with operational and resource needs before making final recommendations. Changes will be implemented later this year and in 2015, so be assured we will monitor these routes and welcome feedback so we can continue to improve services.
Glad to see the 49 re-route is not going ahead, it wasn’t a good idea to begin with. But how about a compromise? 49A, have it run via Champlain Heights, have it short-turn at Cambie St at the Canada Line station. The 49 needs short-turn trips anyway, why not do it like this?
That is an interesting compromise Joe – I’ll share it with our planning folks for consideration!
I always think there should be another east-west bus between 49th and Marine Dr. Its too bad 57th doesn’t go all the way to Cambie. But perhaps the 49A Joe suggested could actually be a whole new route. Why not continue on 54th, Argyle, 57th then up Main to 49th and short turn at the Langara 49th Canada Line station? Whether or not this should have the same route all the way to Metrotown, perhaps people has some suggestions?
I agree that there should be an east-west bus route running somewhere between 49th and Marine Dr, preferably on 54th. Personally I think a new route (perhaps number 54) should start at Patterson Station, get onto 49th, Tyne, 54th, Argyle, 57th, then either
go south on Main St to Marine Drive (and Canada Line Station), 70th, SW Marine Drive all the way until Dunbar, or just end the route at Langara-49th Station.
These options all provide east-west service to some areas lack, and the 49 reroute should be deferred until an alternative service is implemented. I love the idea re-routing the 49, but service to Champlain Heights should not be neglected.
@ Joe: That is the most sensible thing I have heard out of the whole 49 reroute discussion!
My sister, who lives near Champlain mall with her husband and young son (and NO car), says why not have many/most 49 trips go straight down 49th, while having one trip every X number of minutes go via Champlain Mall? That sort of regularly alternating reroute has been done with many other bus routes around the region (e.g., #100 via Trapp, etc). You can have it both ways then!
Even before the Canada Line opened 4 years ago, I saw Westbound #49’s short-turning at Langara as it had the most congested ridership Cambie East. I believe tradition continues today.
I like the idea of having a separate bus short turning from Champlain to Langara.
With regards to a 54th/57th. That was proposed to neighborhoods 15 years ago. Many residents along that route DID NOT WANT IT. Where’s the bus stops? Not on my front yard! Residents felt it was like Skytrain coming through (crime, noise, steep hills?). As Translink struggled with funding, the posposed new route was abandoned… especially with strong neighborhood resistance. If you want to see the buses along there, Translink funding issues needs to be resolved first. Until then, #49 frequencies have improved. I remember when it was 15 minutes during peak hours, instead of the 3 or 5 minutes we have today.
Yes the 54/57th route is popular today, especially as the unofficial Knight Bridge onramp during rush hour. Even trucks go along it, despite signage.