#WhatsTheLink: We’re also really into cycling (win a FareCard and so much more contest)
#WhatsTheLink: We’re also really into cycling (win a FareCard and so much more contest)

Did you know there 107,000 bike trips made each day in Metro Vancouver? That’s right!
TransLink is unique in North America as a transportation authority that links so many ways of moving people and goods.
Part of TransLink’s multimodal mandate is to help support the people making these 107,000 bike trips.
We help provide connections to the wider transportation system of the region by making transit bike accessible, maintaining the Major Roads Network and five bridges, and providing cycling options:
- The BC Parkway – A 26-kilometre, multi-use path that roughly parallels the Expo SkyTrain Line, connecting Surrey City Centre, New Westminster, South Burnaby and Vancouver.
- The Central Valley Greenway – A 24-kilometre route for cycling, jogging, walking, wheelchairs, skateboarding and blading that connect Vancouver with Burnaby and New Westminster
- Regional Cycling Strategy – A common framework for action by TransLink, municipalities and other partners
- Canada Line Pedestrian-Bicycling Bridge – The important link connecting the cycling routes of Richmond and Vancouver
- Secure Bike Parking – The first Secure Bike Parking area on the system opened today!
What’s the contest and prize?
This being Bike to Work Week, TransLink would like to spread the word about how cycling is an important part of the transportation system in Metro Vancouver. To do this, we want you to help us spread the word and possibly win some great prizes for doing so!
We have one super cycling prize pack ($467.30 value) to give away ! It includes:
- A 3-Zone FareCard ($170 value)
- A TravelSmart cycling helpers ($30 value)
- A bike multitool
- A bike seat cover
- An LED bike light
- Reflectors
- A tote with can put on your back
- Metro Vancouver Cycling Map
- Four tickets (2 adult, 2 child) to Science World ($85.50 value)
- A Family Pass (2 adults, 4 children) to the Vancouver Art Gallery ($50 value)
- Two tickets to the Capilano Suspension Bridge (up to $71.90 value)
- Two tickets for a Vancouver Harbour Tour with Harbour Cruises (up to $59.90 value)
How do I win?
We’re giving away this prize pack to one lucky person who tweets, posts or emails us a photo that falls within these guidelines:
- A photo of yourself with your bicycle: (1) on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West Coast Express; or (2) riding on the Central Valley Greenway, BC Parkway, Canada Line Pedestrian-Bicycling Bridge, in a TransLink Secure Bike Parking area or on one of the roads or bridges TransLink manages.
- Your photo must be must be received by 11:59 p.m. on June 3, 2014. Late entries will be rejected.
How do I enter?
Check out the terms and conditions. You have three ways to enter:
- Email thebuzzer@translink.ca your photo with “#WhatsTheLink” in the subject line.
- Tweet your photo to @TransLink with the hashtags #TLcontest and #WhatsTheLink
- Post your photo on Instagram with #WhatsTheLink and follow @TransLinkBC
- Post your photo at facebook.com/TransLink
Photos may be used in the print Buzzer, the Buzzer blog, tweeted by @TransLink and posted on the TransLink Facebook page.
One winner will be drawn at random. We’re looking forward to seeing your entries and you on bikes this week!
#WhatsTheLink: 107,000 cycling trips each day in Metro Vancouver

We received multiple entries on the Buzzer, through email, and over at Miss 604! Head on over to our Storify summary to see some of our entries.
Author: Allen Tung
Can you provide an update on the Central Valley Greenway bike route in the Still Creek Dr area between the Willingdon Costco and the Burnaby recycling Centre? The bike path here has been under construction/interim for a number of years in what must be the slowest construction project the region has known for decades.
When oh when will this be done??
Hi Chris! Michelle Babiuk, Senior Planner, Infrastructure and Network Management, got the answer for you: “The City of Burnaby is responsible for the Still Creek Drive section of the CVG. They’ve let us know that they expect to complete the entire project by the end of July.”
Still Creek Dr connector is finally open!!
Indeed it is!