Explore with TransLink – say hello to our July special post series!
Explore with TransLink – say hello to our July special post series!
In the past, we’ve done a series for you to Ask TransLink, a spotlight about Life on Transit, TransLink’s roads and bridges, TransLink 101 where we answered basic questions about the organization, and of course, #WhatsTheLink.
For the month of July, we’re excited to be bringing you another special series called, Explore with TransLink!
What’s “Explore with TransLink” all about?
To say TransLink’s service area is “big” might be a bit of an understatement. The SkyTrain is one of the longest automated rapid transit systems in the world and our service area is larger than Montreal and Chicago, and twice the size of Toronto’s.
On top of that, we are also responsible for 2,300 lane kilometres of major roads and bridges as well as cycling infrastructure—so there’s a lot of places TransLink goes to!
This being summer and all, we’re going to explore Metro Vancouver with you by sharing a selection of fascinating places that TransLink takes you and you might not have been!
Every Monday for the rest of July, we’ll be making a post highlighting places that our bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West Coast Express, Major Road Network, and cycling routes takes you.
Tell us what places TransLink takes you
As always, we’d love your feedback to help inform our series! Tell us some ‘hidden gems’ in Vancouver or finish this sentence, “TransLink takes you…” in the comments section below or share it with us via email, thebuzzer@translink.ca.
We’re excited to showcase great submissions to spur more conversations!
Author: Allen Tung
What did you think of this story?
Westham Island is amazing and the bird sanctuary (no bicycles here, sorry!) with its paltry $5 admission is one of Vancouver’s best kept secrets. Its bridge is definitely from another era and I’ve seen some monstrously wide farm vehicles cross it to my amazement.
Knight Street Bridge has a special place in my heart for the interesting pair of bus stops on Mitchell Island and the 22 turnaround too. I can’t think of another bridge in all of Vancouver like that.
On a more sombre note, this is slightly off topic, but please send my best wishes to the driver of the bus that was struck in the tunnel last week.