#WhatsTheLink: TransLink is the link

#WhatsTheLink: TransLink is the link

#WhatsTheLink Week 8
Now you know #WhatsTheLink! ;)

Through out the course of our #WhatsTheLink series on The Buzzer and our partners Miss 604, Vancity Buzz, and Vancouver Observer, we have been telling you all about what TransLink is responsible for in the region.

Now as our series draws to a close, we are here to answer the question: What’s the link? We are the link.

How do we deliver the link? Through the Major Road Network, five bridges, transit, cycling, a connected and hard working transportation system, community shaping, and goods movement of course!

Major Road Network

Our Major Road Network is 2,300 lane kilometres of roads in Metro Vancouver that help facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people and goods across the region.

Line ’em up and that’s long enough to stretch from here to San Diego, California!

In 2014, over $45 million has been committed for the operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the network.

Five bridges

There are 200,000 crossings each day over the Fraser River that happen on one of TransLink’s five bridges! No typo!

They are the Knight Street, Golden Ears, Pattullo, Westham Island, and the Canada Line Pedestrian-Bicycle bridges.


You’ve heard the numbers — over 360 million system boardings and over 235 million passenger trips annually — but how many people actually take transit in Metro Vancouver each day?

418,000 is the number of people that take TransLink transit each day – that’s more than the population of Burnaby and Richmond combined!


Part of TransLink’s multimodal mandate is to help support the people making the 107,000 bike trips each day in Metro Vancouver.

We contribute  up to  50  per  cent  of  capital  costs for regional  cycling  upgrades, including the Central Valley Greenway and BC Parkway.

Our transit vehicles are all equip to handle bicycles and we recently opened the first Secure Bike Parking facility at the newly renovated east stationhouse at Main Street-Science World Station.

A connected and hard working transportation system

Being a multimodal organization, TransLink is able to seamlessly connect all modes of transportation and deliver our customers a hard working, reliable transit system that gets you and where your goods need to go.

In 2013, the SkyTrain was on-time 95 per cent of the time for both the Expo and Millennium lines, West Coast Express was on time 98 per cent of the time, and 99.4 per cent of scheduled service for bus and SkyTrain was delivered.

Community shaping

Transit has guided growth and community design in the region from the very beginning! TransLink has helped shape sustainable communities by integrating with community planning throughout the region.

With future Transit Oriented Developments in the works, TransLink is actively involved in carry on this legacy. By 2018, we anticipate there to be over 70 integrated, transit-oriented developments around SkyTrain stations!

Goods movement

Our transit, roads, bridges, cycling and walking infrastructure all work in tandem to help with goods movement and Metro Vancouver’s economy.

TransLink manages major roads and helps to ease traffic congestion by moving trips away from the road to SkyTrain, West Coast Express, SeaBus or bus.

This way you can get the coffee, medical supplies and almost anything you can buy at a local store, hospital, school and more.


TransLink is the link to shaping communities, moving goods, and a connected transportation system – from the Major Road Network and five bridges to transit service and cycling infrastructure!

For more on #WhatsTheLink and for a chance to win a three-zone FareCard, read our partner posts on Miss 604 and Vancity Buzz.

Author: Allen Tung