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I Love Transit 2014: Tell us why you love transit and you could win!

I Love Transit 2014: Tell us why you love transit and you could win!

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Post-its from our enormous wall poster, asking attendees to let us know what they loved about transit!
Post-its telling us why they love transit!

Welcome to I Love Transit Week 2014, everyone!

Yep—it’s the one week we take out of the year to celebrate what we love about transit! From now until Friday, your favourite transit blog will be serving up great interviews, essays, and rider submissions sharing all your transit love.

We want you to tell us why you love transit and by doing so you’ll have a chance to win one of three FareCards we have to giveaway! All you have to do is enter through Twitter, Instagram, or right here on the blog between now and Friday, August 29.

Step 1. Figure out why you love transit. Step 2. Tell us and you’re entered! It’s that simple!

How do I enter?

Enter through Twitter

  • Follow @TransLink and send a tweet to us that includes and completes this sentence:

@TransLink #ILoveTransit because…

  • An acceptable entry (on many levels): “@TransLink #ILoveTransit because it allows me to sleep more!”
  • But this is NOT acceptable as it has no hashtag: “@TransLink I Love Transit because it gets me where I need to go!” Neither is  simply “@TransLink #ILoveTransit” – you didn’t tell us why you love transit. =(
  • This is also NOT acceptable, because it doesn’t include the right hashtag: “@TransLink #iluvtransit because I don’t have to worry about driving!”

Enter through Instagram

  • Follow @TransLinkBC and post a selfie on transit or a great photo of transit with a caption that includes and completes this sentence:

@TransLinkBC #ILoveTransit because…

  • Please note that we’re @TransLinkBC on Instagram, not @TransLink—that’s somebody else’s account!
  • See the Twitter examples above for entries that will and will not work for the contest.

Enter through the Buzzer blog

  • Leave a comment on this post that completes the sentence:

I love transit because…

Rules and answers

Check out the terms and conditions, but here’s the skinny!

  • One entry per person per day for each channel. Yes, you can enter up to three times!
  • The FareCard will be for one, two, or three zones, depending on where the winner travels.
  • We’re going to do the random draws on Tuesday, September 2 for each channel. We’ll announce the winners on the blog, Twitter, and Instagram!
  • To be fair to everyone, one person cannot win all three draws. So, if we draw your name for one of the channels, you will be excluded from the other two FareCard draws.

Photos may be used in the print Buzzer, the Buzzer blog, tweeted by @TransLink, posted on the TransLink Facebook page and @TransLinkBC Instagram account.

Here’s a sampling of past entries!


Author: Allen Tung


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